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Advancing the One Health approach has the potential to significantly improve human and animal health and environmental conservation

Advancing the One Health approach has the potential to significantly improve human and animal health and environmental conservation


In a recent study published in lancetresearchers provide a contemporary perspective on how the One Health approach can improve health security on a global scale in the face of unprecedented health hazards such as those wrought by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. sought evidence.

study: Promoting human, animal and environmental health for global health security: what does the evidence show? Image credit: lost_hare/Shutterstock

In addition, we reviewed the infrastructure and surveillance response systems of collaborative health services to showcase the benefits of the One Health approach. Furthermore, they stressed the urgent need to strengthen coordination at the local, national and global levels to improve OneHealth’s operations and expand and maximize its benefits.


Researchers screened and reviewed One Health theoretical methods and case studies. This helped us understand how Joint Health Service reported One Health’s approach to the United Nations (UN) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). In addition, they assessed whether this report complied with the World Health Organization (WHO) International Health Regulations Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (MEF) and the World Animal Health Organization (WOAH) Veterinary Service Performance . WOAH’s previous name was the Office International des Epizooties (OIE).

The International Health Regulations (IHR), an international framework revised in 2007, provides all United Nations Member States with core competencies to prevent, detect and respond to public health emergencies (PHEs). is obliged to develop Travel and trade globally.

A four-party group of international organizations is now working to leverage the IHR’s legal mandate to launch and implement a global One Health Joint Action Plan for 2022-2026. Similarly, WOAH has developed Veterinary Service Performance (PVS), a monitoring and evaluation tool for evaluating veterinary services.

Unfortunately, both the IHE MEF and PVS were unable to adequately respond to the COVID-19 pandemic due to their ineffective operationalization. In other words, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed deficiencies in the operations of all global health security agencies. At the same time, it has helped build capabilities to deal with threats at the human-animal (both domestic and wild) and environmental interface. Most importantly, the operational value of an integrated approach like One Health has once again been brought to the forefront.

About research

In this study, researchers reviewed the existing literature and followed the classification of hazards to global health security as outlined in the WHO Framework for Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management to identify those that would benefit most from a One Health approach. assessed the risk of This is his four series of reviews, the first of which examines the evidence for the benefits of the One Health approach. The second part focuses on how to map One Health Networks globally. It also explores the characteristics of thriving multisectoral cooperation and its expansion.

Part 3 analyzes monitoring and assessment tools for assessing PHE preparedness at the national level and makes recommendations for strengthening them using a comprehensive One Health approach. In Part 4, researchers discuss key challenges in One Health governance and recommend solutions accordingly.

A brief history of the concept of One Health

Veterinary epidemiologist Calvin Schwabe coined the term One Medicine in the 1960s to draw attention to the links between human and animal health. Then in 2004 the phrase “One World, One Health” was coined by Wildlife His Conservation Society. It outlines the importance of protecting human and animal health and the integrity of ecosystems as a whole under the Declaration of the Manhattan Principles and the Berlin 2019 Principles.

The Berlin Principles of One Health address contemporary issues such as climate change and antimicrobial resistance, highlighting their relevance to sustainable development. In the medical literature, the term One Health first appeared in his 2005, highlighting the added value of greater cooperation between animal and human health that cannot be achieved through punitive approaches alone.

In this context, Jinstag othersUnderscoring the urgency to fix smallholder livestock systems and live animal markets, we are researching vaccines that limit interactions between wildlife and livestock to prevent future human flu pandemics. .

Benefits of the One Health Approach

One Health is a logical approach to identifying potential health threats as early as possible and adjusting resources to address long-term consequences. A notable example of these benefits is the joint human-animal routine immunization service for itinerant pastoralists in Chad. By sharing both the cold chain and transportation, we have saved financial resources. Another example is the mass vaccination of livestock against brucellosis in Mongolia.

But the most striking example is Canada’s Integrated Program for the Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance (CIPARS). This saved infrastructure resources, was cost-effective, and importantly, reduced the time taken to detect antimicrobial resistance. In 2013, this integrated surveillance system showed positive effects in regulating antimicrobial use against Salmonella isolates detected in humans and chickens. In 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 23% of global human deaths were caused by all modifiable factors such as lack of clean drinking water, sanitation, air, noise and violation of road safety rules. It is due to

This demonstrates that better integration of the environmental sector, including the piloting and scaling up of biocontrol programs against endemic diseases, can strengthen global health security. Introduction of river shrimp that feed on cercariae (its host species) may help control the neglected endemic schistosomiasis. Similarly, predatory copepods may help prevent dengue fever, as demonstrated in Vietnam.


The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the link between population density and pandemic spread, and how important air quality management is to control respiratory and comorbidities. Research should therefore focus not only on research into profitable vaccines and medicines, but also on measures to prevent future pandemics.

Potential for zoonotic diseases Brucella melitensis It is about 100 times more likely than the causative bovine tuberculosis. Mycobacterium bovis. Therefore, control of brucellosis in stockyards has a higher benefit-to-cost ratio of 3:1, ie less than 1, than control of bovine tuberculosis. In fact, the One Health approach is better suited to address some hazards and risks based on evidence of its effectiveness.

One Health has great potential to improve global health security for all, especially in resource-limited environments. By operating One Health more broadly, we can maximize and extend its benefits. Therefore, it should be budgeted and included in national plans for pandemic prevention to improve response to future pandemics.

Journal reference:

  • Jakob Jinstag, Andrea Kaiser-Grolimund, Kathryn Heights-Tokpa, Rajesh Sledharan, Juan Leblos, François Kaya, Matthew Stone, Hannah Brown, Basilou Bonfo, Emily Dauber, Dilis Morgan, Nusrat Homaira, Richard Koch, Jan Hattendorf, Lisa Crump, Stephanie Mouti, Victor del Rio Villas, Sohel Saikat, Alimuddin Zumra, David Hayman, Osman Dahl, Stephane de La Roc. (2023). Promoting human, animal and environmental health for global health security: what does the evidence show? lancet. Doi:




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