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Mpox is boiling south of the border

Mpox is boiling south of the border


US mpox emergency is over, But the disease is still simmering south of the border.

most governments in Mexico and Latin America Decided against the mpox vaccination campaign This has brought the number of cases in the US down from over 400 a day in August to almost zero, Carmen reports.

Public health officials say the choice to forego vaccination could mean that victory over mpox, a disease formerly called monkeypox, could be temporary if the country goes it alone. I am concerned that this is just one example.

You will soon get a clearer picture of how much risk remains. Last year’s US outbreak occurred during the season of the global LGBTQ Pride festival. This year’s festival is just around the corner.

Why did Latin American countries refuse vaccination?

Mexico’s top health officials say the injections have not yet been proven safe and effective. discovered by the CDC People vaccinated with Jynneos, a vaccine from Danish manufacturer Bavarian Nordic, were 14 times less likely to be infected than those who were not vaccinated.

Mexico’s health secretary, Jorge Alcocer Varela, told the country’s Senate that the vaccine did not prevent people from developing symptoms. He said he did not encourage its use. Mexican media coverage.

It’s not just Mexico. Most countries in Latin America have tried to contain the outbreak without a vaccine, said Ruben Mayorga Sagastume, mpox incident manager at the Pan American Health Organization.

Only 12 countries bought shots PAHO joint purchase mechanism: Bahamas, Belize, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago.Made in Colombia Contract with Japan In December, it immunized people with 25,000 doses of a Japanese vaccine originally developed for smallpox as part of a clinical trial.

According to Mayorga Sagastume, some countries that did not get the vaccine said they could not agree to absolve Bavarian Nordic from liability for the vaccine’s side effects. “Others think it was because of financial constraints because the vaccine was expensive,” he said.

Where is the disease spreading now?

From the end of last month, the number of infected people began to increase again, According to the World Health OrganizationThe number of reported cases globally was just over 400 in the last week of January, with most new cases occurring in the Americas and Africa.

Of the 13 countries with increases, Mexico had the highest weekly increase, reaching 72 cases.

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that office Answers from the National Coordinator of Health IT. Close, but no cigars for health IT geeks.

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podcast, Host Alice Miranda Allstein talks with Josh Gerstein about a federal judge’s recent proposal that the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution could provide constitutional rights to abortion.

I hope the surgeon gets better with their technology? Let them operate more.

Review of national insurance claims for hip and knee surgery after 2021, Clarify Health Institute We found that patients who went to surgeons with more experience were less likely to be readmitted and less likely to require surgery to correct previous procedures.

Physicians who performed more than 100 hip and knee replacement surgeries paid less than surgeons who performed fewer than 10 surgeries in the past. For experienced surgeons, her 60-day hospitalization rate was about half, and he was 4% compared to his 8.1% for less experienced surgeons.

Zeke Emanuel, strategic adviser to health analytics firm Clarify Health, said the study showed that after about 50 surgeries, doctors reached a level of proficiency that enabled them to work independently. rice field.

Niall Brennan, chief analytics and privacy officer at Clarify Health and leader of the company’s research arm, the Institute, said more transparency about physician experience levels could help those seeking surgeons. said.

“Volume seems like something that everyone can understand,” said Brennan. “One of the first things I do when I order an Uber is look at the driver ratings and how many rides they have taken.”

new biomaterial Does studying mimicking human skin to attract mosquitoes offer hope in combating vampire-borne diseases?

Researchers at Tulane and Rice Universities use 3D printers To make the biomaterial, we create a hydrogel that can be filled with blood, is porous like skin, and allows mosquitoes to smell what’s in it.

This allows researchers to study the feeding habits of mosquitoes without biting humans, and to see when mosquitoes transmit diseases.

“You can actually track different types of mosquitoes that are feeding on the gel, and give early diagnosis of specific types of mosquito outbreaks,” said the bioengineering expert who developed the gel in the Rice University lab. Assistant Professor Omid Veiseh told Ruth. .




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