A rare tick-borne disease in men caused by an unexpected news
An Alabama man with a rare tick-borne disease is the first reported case of the disease in the United States attributed to ticks. I’m sorry Borreliais a type of bacterium carried by solitary star mites, reports Ethan Covey: Special issue on infectious diseases.
New study suggests bacteria infected 75-year-old man tick-borne relapsing feveris a rare condition that causes nausea, recurrent fever, headache, muscle and joint pain.
Scientists have previously linked tick-borne relapsing fever to ticks of other species. Borrelia Bacteria, but until now they didn’t know B. Respected can cause it, the team reported last month emerging infectious diseasea journal run by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The study began in April 2019 when a man presented to the Kirklin Clinic at the University of Alabama. He told them that for the past month or so he had been feeling extremely tired and was suffering from recurrent fevers, headaches, dizziness, sweats and chills. The man hadn’t been outside Alabama for several years, but he said he had been bitten by a tick about a month before his symptoms began.
After running some initial tests, doctors discovered a spiral-shaped bacterium known as spirochete in his blood. They gave him antibiotics, but almost immediately his condition worsened. However, within 24 hours his health returned to normal and he was able to successfully complete his 10-day course of antibiotics and recover.
Doctors then sent his blood sample for further testing and found B. RespectedThis led to a formal diagnosis of tick-borne relapsing fever caused by bacteria. This was not a complete shock. B. Respected is a close relative of B. miyamotoi, known to cause tick-borne relapsing fever. Besides, B. Respected Previously, it caused circular rashes similar to those caused by Lyme disease. elderly patient A person who was bitten by a single tick more than 20 years ago. Scientists once suspected that could not prove-or B. Respected caused another Lyme disease-like illness called Southern tick-related rash disease (Year).
Even after solving this patient’s puzzling case, scientists still have many questions.For one thing, they aren’t entirely sure B. Respectedof “Pathogenic potential” to make others sick, they write in the paper.Although scientists regularly detect B. Respected With ticks, doctors see less patients with infections caused by it. Borrelia Species may be involved in more human diseases. This theory is further supported by the fact that the Alabama man was taking immunosuppressants for his lymphoma. B. Respected It does not cause disease in most people, but it can infect people with weakened immune systems.
“We don’t know if the patient developed relapsing fever. B. Respected He was immunocompromised or both, so he’s always been a real pathogen,” co-authors say. Joshua A. Liebermana pathologist at the University of Washington, Special issue on infectious diseases.
Further complicating the matter is the B. Respected Doctors may have missed cases of early-stage illness caused by bacteria entirely. In the future, physicians treating patients with recent tick bites may wish to perform additional molecular diagnostic tests to determine which type of bacteria is responsible.
Running these tests more regularly B. Respected In fact, this is another bacterium associated with ticks.meanwhile, the next CDC Guidelines for Tick Bite Prevention Helps avoid such tick-borne infections, including: Lyme disease (caused by either B. Respecteddistant relatives of B. Burgdorferi), heartland virus and red meat allergy.
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