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Lowering Opioid Rx Rates May Help Lower Suicide Rates

Lowering Opioid Rx Rates May Help Lower Suicide Rates


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  • A newly published study finds that opioid prescription rates may be associated with opioid-related suicide deaths.
  • Experts hope the study will delve from broad data trends approaches to more concrete and actionable takeaways.

A new research study finds opioid decrease in the proportion of suicide was also affected and was not as high as expected.

The study was published this week in the American Journal of Psychiatryas opioid-related overdoses reached record levels high price.

Author of the study and professor of psychiatry and epidemiology at Columbia University, Dr. Mark Orffson (MD, MPH), said the study could help health professionals understand the risks of opioids and think about how to safely prescribe pills.

“On the other hand, from a clinical perspective, these results highlight the safety risks of opioids and reinforce the importance of safe and judicious prescribing of opioids and proper disposal of unused opioids. “When managing a patient in pain, it is important for health professionals to first consider whether adequate pain relief can be achieved with interventions that do not involve medication.” .”

Rather than looking at individual data, the researchers looked at broader trends gleaned from data from the national database maintained by IQVIA and from the National Center for Health Statistics’ mortality statistics.

The team looked at data from 2009 to 2017. In the meantime, they looked at opioid prescription rates, especially the proportion of high-dose opioids, and the number of long-term prescriptions. In addition, we examined the proportion of multiple opioid prescribers.During their study they discovered that Downward Trends in all factors.

The suicide rate increased from 13.80 to 16.36 per 100,000 people during this period, but would have been even higher if opioid prescriptions were as high in 2017 as they were in 2009, researchers say.

“Had opioid prescriptions per capita remained constant from 2009 to 2017, there would have been an estimated 10.5% increase in opioid-related suicides in 2017,” Orfsson said. statement.

for Doctor.Stephen SiwekA founder of the Pain Center in Arizona, he sees patients dealing with issues related to mental health and suicide alongside opioid use as a common theme.

“Despair is something I see every day … and with no hope of stable pain control, someone listening, coping, and helping these patients achieve stable pain control, better levels of functioning, and Hopelessness can quickly worsen as quality of life improves.”

For many of these patients, he says, using opioids and other drugs is not about getting rid of pain completely, but about reducing pain and improving quality of life. , this study reinforces clinicians’ link between suicide risk and opioid use and guides health professionals to devote more time and resources to opioid-free chronic pain interventions That’s it.

“More than ever before, we are using interventional therapy and minimally invasive surgery as tools and options for resolving pathology, rather than simply saying, ‘Here’s a drug that makes you feel better without solving the underlying problem.’ I will tell you that I am seriously considering it. ”

One finding of the study was that the more opioid prescribers, the higher the risk.The study found that three or more opioid prescribers had an increased risk of suicide. Peter Piraino (LMSW. LCDC) Mr. Burning Tree says he’s seen a shift away from so-called “doctor shopping” in his work with people who have recovered from addiction.

“We were seeing people come to their front door with 10, 12, 13 doctors. So what we’re seeing now is more people coming in for fentanyl…but when doctor shopping was the norm, yes there are at least three doctors I saw people. As if it was a bright day for them.

In this study, if the proportion of people with multiple opioid prescribers remained constant in 2017, the estimate was 19% More opioid-related suicide deaths.

Piraino is alert to the divisions that are forming as to what might be considered the best way to treat people in need of opiates.

“You have two very polarizing perspectives: not enough opioids and people are suicidal, or too many opioids and people are suicidal. Look at the data better. , and hope to advance longitudinal studies to find ways to reduce suicide.”

for Michelle Sproule (MSc, LPC)chief clinical officer at the Scottsdale Recovery Center, focuses on meeting clients where they are when they hit “rock bottom,” rather than stubbornly prescribing which approach is best. is guessing.

“Because if we’re not looking at people as a whole, but looking at what directly affects them and saying, ‘Well, this is what works for these people in general,’ socio-economic “We’re not considering resources, and maybe some of the cultural aspects that might be affecting them,” Sproule said. “And that’s a disservice to the community. There’s no way to do that effectively and actually try to break this down.”




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