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Russia threatens British troops and orders nuclear exercises after provocation | russia

Russia threatens British troops and orders nuclear exercises after provocation |  russia


The Kremlin said Russia threatened to attack British military installations and ordered its troops to conduct battlefield nuclear weapons training in response to comments by French President Emmanuel Macron and the British Foreign Secretary about Western troops fighting in Ukraine. The Kremlin explained. David Cameron has spoken about using British-supplied weapons against Russia.

The Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement that troops from the Southern Military District will practice the issue of preparing and using non-strategic nuclear weapons in response to provocative statements and threats made by some Western officials against the Russian Federation.

The announcement comes days after President Macron said he would not rule out sending troops to Ukraine and Cameron said it would be up to Kiev how it would use British weapons, including against targets inside Russia.

The Kremlin on Monday summoned British Ambassador Nigel Casey and the French ambassador to Moscow.

Russia's Foreign Ministry formally complained to Casey about Cameron's recent comments that Ukraine had the right to use British weapons to attack inside Russia.

It is said that with this remark, the UK effectively became a party to the dispute. The statement came after Ukraine attacked the Iskander short-range ballistic missile system stationed in Crimea.

Casey was warned that if Ukraine attacked Russian territory with British weapons, all British military facilities and equipment on Ukrainian territory and abroad could be targeted, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The Ambassador was asked to reflect on the inevitable disastrous consequences of such hostile measures from London and to immediately refute in the most decisive and unambiguous manner the belligerent and provocative statements of the Foreign Office.

Russia's southern military district borders Ukraine and is where the full-scale invasion of Ukraine began two years ago, killing tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians.

The Ministry of Defense stated that this exercise was aimed at unconditionally guaranteeing the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Russian state.

The exercises will also include Russian air force and naval forces, the Ministry of Defense said.

The Russian president has regularly warned that the country is prepared to wage nuclear war, and has regularly ordered strategic nuclear exercises, usually using intercontinental ballistic missiles. It is not uncommon for Russia to conduct tactical nuclear exercises. Tactical nuclear training uses low-yield, low-yield weapons designed for battlefield use.

Russia's Foreign Ministry said Monday that Russia will develop new intermediate- and short-range missiles, following reports that the United States is transferring similar missile systems to Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.

Ukrainian government officials dismissed the Kremlin's statement as a nuclear threat.

Apart from information effects and statements, you won't see anything new here. Nuclear blackmail is a constant practice of the Putin regime, Ukrainian intelligence spokesman Andriy Yusov told state television.

The nuclear exercises are scheduled to take place amid heightened diplomatic tensions between Russia and European countries. Germany recalled its ambassador to Russia on Monday after accusing Moscow of carrying out a 2023 cyberattack against Germany's ruling Social Democratic Party.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he had recently witnessed an unprecedented phase of escalation led by the French president and the British foreign minister. It was a very dangerous investigation.

Peskov said the exercises were prompted by comments by President Macron and British and U.S. officials about the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine.

They have talked about their readiness and even intentions to send armed units to Ukraine. That is, to actually place NATO soldiers in front of Russian troops, Peskov said.

In March, Putin told reporters that Russia already believed NATO troops were limited in Ukraine and warned that a direct conflict between Russia and its allies would lead to an all-out World War III. I think very few people are interested in this.

Russia is currently on the offensive in eastern Ukraine, amassing thousands of troops to launch an assault on the strategic town of Chasiv Yar in the Donetsk region. On Sunday it claimed to have captured the front-line town of Ocheretyne, and on Monday it claimed to have captured two more villages – Kotlyarivka and Soviove.




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