QIMR Berghofer Queensland researchers discover possible cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder manifests itself in many ways.
Key Point:
- 2% of Australians have obsessive-compulsive disorder
- This study found that OCD can be caused by differences in how areas of the brain communicate
- Researchers say the findings could lead to new treatments
For Brisbane business consultant and author Peter Bell, handwashing is almost constant and debilitating.
“I think a lot about germs and life-threatening diseases,” Bell said.
“It shows up in the urge to wash your hands.
“Like any mental illness, it has had a huge impact on my life. It’s a bona fide brain illness.”
Mr Bell is one of about 2% of the Australian population experiencing the disorder commonly known as OCD, characterized by repetitive and intrusive thoughts.
Many people with this condition spend a great deal of time doing repetitive actions and behaviors to relieve their anxiety.
Found a potential cause
The exact cause of OCD is unknown, and treatments and cures are limited.
Researchers at QIMR Berghofer are trying to change that.
A new study looking at differences in MRI brain images in healthy volunteers and OCD patients found a possible cause.
Researchers have found changes in how different brain regions communicate.
Lead investigator Dr. Sebastian Nayes said the results confirmed that the disorder likely arises from a “complex imbalance” affecting “signaling pathways deep in the brain.” .
“OCD participants were shown to have imbalances affecting different pathways and areas of the brain associated with emotion regulation and reward,” Dr. Naze said.
“This imbalance is believed to be a major contributor and potential cause of OCD symptoms.”
“While we’re not the first researchers to discover it…it does provide some important insight into what causes the disease and how these brain changes can be modified to reduce OCD symptoms. It gives you a clue.
“Absolute Game Changer”
Luca Cocchi, a senior researcher at QIMR Berghofer, called the finding significant and said it would “lead the development” of more targeted and effective treatments.
“These findings are meaningful because they replicate previous results … and allow us to develop novel interventions that target this dysfunction in a precise and individualized manner … and symptoms. ,” Dr. Cocchi said.
“Current drug interventions lack specificity and only significantly reduce symptoms in some patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.”
Researchers will use the findings in a clinical trial of brain stimulation therapy for OCD later this year.
“This allows us to specifically target the structure and patterns of connectivity between different regions to restore or bring about healthy levels of communication,” said Dr. Cocchi.
“Brain stimulation therapy has proven successful in treating depression, so we hope it may be helpful in cases of obsessive-compulsive disorder.”
“It doesn’t cure the disease, but it may reduce the symptoms to the point where you can live a relatively normal life,” he said.
Bell said the results of the study were “a huge relief.”
“For anyone who has spent their lives blaming themselves for obsessive-compulsive disorder, this is an absolute game-changer,” Bell said.
“To be able to confirm that it’s actually a function of the brain and a chemical imbalance…it’s absolutely a huge relief.”
Cocchi said researchers also hope the study will help reduce the stigma surrounding obsessive-compulsive disorder.
“The stigma is significant and it is reassuring to know that there is a neurological basis for their behavior. [people with OCD],” He said.
“I think there is hope. Of course science takes time, but I think we are making good progress.”
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