What’s the healthiest beer? Know this before you open that cold one.
Spring is approaching and the warm months are just around the corner. That means it’s time for barbecues, outdoor picnics, and pool parties. And what better than an ice cold beer for grilling burgers and hot dogs?
we bring Beer On the boat, pack it in a cooler, take it to the beach, and pick it up to the tailgate before the game.There is also a dedicated summer ale Appears in the warmer months of the year.
So how does beer affect our health?
What’s the Healthiest Beer?
Sorry, but there is no magic beer to solve your health problems — according to registered dietitian Chris Mollit is one of the basic elements that give beer its unhealthy shine.
Alcohol is one of the main attractions of beer. Alcohol is ingrained in societies and cultures around the world. again, toxic substancesExcessive alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure, cancer, a weakened immune system, cognitive dysfunction, mental health problems, and alcoholism. It also has stimulant effects that affect sleep. affect overall quality of life.
“It doesn’t matter where the alcohol is coming from. It’s the overall alcohol, or ABV, that matters,” says Mohr. “So whether it’s beer, wine, or any other liquor, it’s the alcohol itself.”
According to Mohr, the healthiest beers are those with the lowest alcohol content (alcohol content). According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the standard drink for regular beer is a 12-ounce beer with 5% alcohol.However, if you go to the beer counter, you will find 6 packs with more than 8% ABV, or as high as 18%.
“Even if you think you’re drinking one beer, you’re actually getting two cans,” says Mohr.
The past decade has seen the rise of “healthy” beers. electrolytes, antioxidants and important nutrients. Don’t be fooled, says Mohr. Most of these are marketing terms intended to “justify alcohol consumption” to consumers.
“If beer is our source of antioxidants and nutrients, there are many other issues to consider,” says Mohr with a laugh. “There are some[beers]that are fortified with different ingredients, but I would never rely on beer as a nutritional choice.”
Regardless of how beer is produced, the alcohol content has the greatest negative impact on health.
That doesn’t mean you have to give up beer or alcohol in general to eat healthy. humble lifestyleA low-calorie, light beer is a healthier option. It is generally made with more water than regular beer and has a lower alcohol content. However, not everyone likes the taste of light beer. According to Mohr, light beer gives you an opportunity to evaluate why you’re drinking it in the first place.
“If you want a beer, have a beer. Sometimes,” he says.
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Is one beer a day good for you?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines it as: moderate drinking No more than 1 drink per day for women and 2 drinks per day for men. There are some studies that suggest that low risk of diabetes Frequent drinkers are more likely than nondrinkers to Positive impact on HDL functionor “good cholesterol” in moderate beer consumption.
However, there are also studies that show that: no drinking level improve health, So there’s really no amount of beer you can drink in a day. positively good for you.
“Is this a ‘never drink alcohol’ message? No, but the benefits of not drinking alcohol definitely outweigh the potential benefits of alcohol,” Mohr says.
Beer can also affect weight. Alcohol itself has calories, but it doesn’t work alone. Since alcohol is a toxin, the body works to get rid of it first, and other foods in the system take longer to digest.
A pint of beer after a long day at work can also affect sleep quality if it’s close enough to bedtime. eventually wear out Also, it can wake you up in the middle of the night.
For this reason, Mohr recommends choosing when to drink and setting the parameters yourself. It might be when you’re with friends, or just drinking a few times a week.
“How do you want to show up, how do you need to show up the next day?” Mohr says of his consumption decisions. “So if you want to go to happy hour with your friends on Thursday night, do you have a really important meeting on Friday morning? The kids wake up at 6 a.m., but I have to be on his A-game.” mosquito?”
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