What are the solutions for safer, greener and more nutritious food?
Interest in ultra-processed foods (UPFs) is growing rapidly among the nutritional research community. In the last three years alone, researchers have suggested a link between UPF consumption and increased health risks. cancer developmentTo dementiaand an increased risk of death.
The impact of UPF production on environmental sustainability is another area of concern for researchers. Linking increased consumption to increased greenhouse gas emissions.
However, some nutritionists and food technologists argue that UPFs offer many benefits to human and global health in the form of safe, nutritious and environmentally sustainable foods for the mass market. doing.
Nutritional Benefits of Food Processingna
Food processing is a broad term used to describe the transformation of food as a result of heat, chemistry, or force. Common examples of food processing in the kitchen include boiling potatoes, grating carrots, and using baking powder to leave cakes in the oven.
Humans have consumed processed foods for over two million years. It started with stone tools, rather than the steel and aluminum utensils of today, with obvious nutritional benefits.
“Early Examples [of food processing] Cutting meat and vegetables to make them easier to eat increased the availability of nutrients and energy in food. ” Andreas Hakansson, senior lecturer in the Department of Food Technology, Engineering and Nutrition at Lund University in Sweden, explains:
Today, much of the processing takes place in industrial settings, but Hakansson argues that practices continue to play an important role in ensuring the availability of nutrients and energy. .
“Today, much of what we eat is industrially processed, and even the potatoes I cook at home are factory washed and packaged.” He told reporters at a briefing on UPF hosted by industry group FoodDrinkEurope.
The benefits of food processing in the history of public health should not be overlooked, the researchers suggested. We were told it was “low”. “A lot of what we do [today] In food processing, it’s about trying to make food better. “na
For example, the development of milk powder made using processes such as boiling, evaporation and atomization has proven to be a “game changer” in human nutrition, explains Hakansson. invented in 19thIn the 19th century, “valuable proteins” from skim milk (after the cream was removed for butter production) could be preserved and fortified. It has proven to be a “very important” processed food and is “still huge” in today’s market.
Is bioavailability and food safety improving?na
Other UPF-related nutritional benefits are also found in tomato paste developed from raw tomatoes. The process of crushing, heating, and concentration breaks down the tomato’s cell walls, making micronutrients more bioavailable to consumers.
“That’s sometimes underappreciated.” she told the press. “Like cooking in the olden days…By inventing fire and cooking, we can extend our life and [growing] the size of our brain. There is archaeological evidence for it. “na
And when it comes to medical nutrition, extreme processing can ‘save lives’, said the chairman of the European Technology Platform (EPT) Food for Life and deputy director of corporate regulation and scientific affairs at food giant Nestlé. Director Gert Meijer said.
In special infant formulas, processing breaks down milk proteins into individual amino acids, making them easier to digest. “Without this kind of product, patients and babies would not survive. [This is] An emotional example that I think processing is essential. “na
Part of providing a healthy diet to the mass market means ensuring food safety, and food processing techniques such as pasteurization also help provide this. According to EPT Food for Life’s Meijer, this makes food processing “beneficial to all stakeholders.”
“As a nutrition scientist … especially food safety [element] It is a very important advantage in food processing. ” he told the media.
Milk is another good example of how processing can improve food safety. Raw milk stays fresh for just a few days. If it has been pasteurized and sterilized, it may extend for several weeks. However, in underdeveloped areas where transport and storage conditions are not optimal, liquid milk can turn sour quickly.
“Think of sub-Saharan Africa, for example. If you don’t turn that milk into powder, it’s probably ultra-processed milk. [product] – Then you will not be able to reach the consumer with dairy ingredients. “na
“Green” questionna
Throwing away sour milk also leads to food waste. This is another reason why experts advocate some ultra-fabrication techniques. And not only in developing countries.
In fact, most of the food waste in developed countries occurs at home. In the Netherlands, where Wageningen University’s Feskens is based, significant amounts of bread, fruit and vegetables are wasted by consumers, she told her delegation. However, ‘proper disposal’ can limit the amount of food that is wasted, thus reducing its negative impact on the environment.
Hakansson of Lund University has seen first-hand the benefits of extending shelf life in reducing food waste. Researchers opt for vacuum-packed whole-grain breads from supermarkets, which are generally classified as ultra-processed foods. “But since it’s vacuum-packed, you can keep it in your cupboard for months, so you don’t have to throw it away.”na
Besides food waste, there are sustainability benefits associated with food processing, Hakannsson said. UPF margarine, for example, has a significantly lower carbon footprint than artisanal butter.UPF plant-based meat analogues also have a lower carbon footprint than conventional meat.
ETP Food for Life’s Meijer goes a step further, arguing that food processing is essential to enable the transition to sustainable food systems, following the European farm-to-table strategy.
“We cannot make the transition without food processing. Therefore, we, as a food sector, need to continue research into the relationship between food processing and its potential impacts not only on health but also on the environment.” It is clear that processing food can extend shelf life and reduce food waste.”na
However, before making “very strong” claims about the sustainability benefits of superfabrication, a life cycle assessment needs to be carried out. These can be “expensive” exercises to carry out, he lamented.
Spotlighting the definition of ultra-processed foodsna
The suggestion that ultra-processed foods may have a better environmental impact than minimally-processed or processed alternatives contradicts the views of other researchers.
In a study published in lancet planet health For example, in 2021, Researchers linked UPF to increased environmental impact. “This study shows for the first time that increased consumption of ultra-processed foods is increasing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing water and land use, even in developing countries like Brazil.” Dr. Ximena Schmidt, co-author and research fellow on global issues at the Center for Sustainable Energy Use at Brunel University London at the time, said:
Similarly, the argument that some UPFs can provide nutritional benefits to consumers is not consistent with studies linking this food category with increased risk of cancer, dementia, or death.
So why do nutritionists and food technologists endorse UPF to improve the nutrition, safety and sustainability of food? I’ve identified inconsistencies related to what the system categorized.
Developed in 2009, the NOVA system divides food processing levels into four categories. To raw materials for processed foods. processed foods; and ultra-processed foods.
Most of the research on the UPF category to date has been based on the NOVA system, both in terms of nutritional and environmental sustainability.
But from a food engineering standpoint, Hakannson explained, “there’s no correlation” between what’s called ultra-processed food and what’s “highly processed.” “These are two very different things, and this is a key question of scale. From my perspective as a food engineer, it messes things up.”na
ETP Food for Life’s Meijer also challenges NOVA, which claims the classification system is “not scientifically validated.” Feskens from Wageningen University argues that not all products within a UPF classification are the same. For example, she emphasized that prepackaged bread offers more nutritional benefits than soft drinks.
As a result, nutritionists and food technologists see potential in ultra-processed foods, but it is not the most commonly used classification scale.
“From my food engineering perspective, there is great potential in using processing to make food more nutritious and more sustainable.” Hakanson said.
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