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How changes in estrogen levels before and during menopause affect how we think and feel

How changes in estrogen levels before and during menopause affect how we think and feel


2003 marked multiple turning points in Oprah Winfrey’s life. She became the first black female billionaire and went through her menopause.

In a recent chat with gal pals Maria Shriver and Drew Barrymore, the daytime talk show queen had a hard time concentrating when she started “Big M” at age 48.

“I just… remember going through a period where I couldn’t concentrate. [on] Reading is my favorite thing to do,” said the 69-year-old woman.

Menopause is the period when menstruation stops for 12 months, marking the end of the reproductive stage.

Most people reach menopause in their mid-40s to around age 60, but this transition is preceded by an eight to 10-year “peri-menopause,” when hormone levels fluctuate and symptoms appear.

about two-thirds Like Oprah, she experiences cognitive symptoms such as brain fog and forgetfulness.

almost 10% reported mood changesFrustration, tears, depression, etc.

It’s important to note that menopause is not a medical condition. It’s a natural process, says Caroline Gurvich, a clinical neuropsychologist and director of the Hormonal and Cognitive Group at the Monash-Alfred Center for Psychiatric Research.

“But some women don’t suffer and others really suffer,” says Dr. Gurvich.

“To help women grow, we need to understand what’s going on and why hormones affect the brain, behavior and thoughts.”

One of the reasons for mood and cognition changes is that the production of the sex hormone estrogen can fluctuate wildly and eventually drop permanently.

There are two main types of estrogen involved in menopause.

The most powerful form we produce is called estradiol. It is generally produced during the reproductive period and decreases by 85-90% during menopause.

Then there is a weaker form of estrogen called estrone, which is reduced by about 65-75%.

“Both fluctuate rapidly during the peri-menopausal period and decline after menopause, but estradiol declines the most, making estrone the primary post-menopausal estrogen,” says Dr. Gurvich.

Effects of estrogen on the brain

Estrogen is produced primarily in the genitals, but affects parts of the body that are farther away than the reproductive system, such as the brain.

It can stimulate brain cells in areas involved in regulating emotions and memory, executive function, organization and decision making.

Estrogen can also control which genes are switched on or off.

This means that estrogens (mostly the more potent estradiol) exert a full range of beneficial effects in the brain, including creating new connections between brain cells and strengthening existing ones. Boosts chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin; and increases the amount of energy your brain cells can use.

“Although we don’t know much about estrone’s role in neurobiology and cognition, we do know that we lose estrogen in general, and estrogen in particular,” says Dr. Gurvich.

“As estradiol levels fluctuate during perimenopause and then decline, the brain becomes less stimulated, diminishing these positive effects.”

What can be done about it?

Menopausal hormone therapy, also known as hormone replacement therapy, is usually the most effective way to relieve neurological symptoms (and other menopausal symptoms).

However, not all mood and cognitive changes are necessarily due to a bounce and subsequent drop in estrogen levels.

When “change” occurs, it can be an incredibly busy time, says Dr. Gurvich.




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