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Myth or Fact: Swimming Increases Appetite, But It’s Not the Ideal Exercise for Weight Loss

Myth or Fact: Swimming Increases Appetite, But It’s Not the Ideal Exercise for Weight Loss


During the sweltering summer months, going for a run or hitting the gym can be very difficult. In such a scenario, swimming will help you achieve your fitness goals as well as Beat the heat. Swimming boosts your metabolism, increases endurance and strength, and is good for your cardiovascular health. But can swimming help you lose weight too?

Wellness coach Neha Sahaya explained why on Instagram. swimming Swimming is not an ideal exercise in terms of weight loss, and swimming increases appetite, making it difficult to control caloric intake.

How does swimming increase appetite?

“Swimming is a type of exercise that increases appetite due to several factors,” says Sahaya.

– Swimming in cold water can use more energy to keep you warm. This increased energy expenditure can also lead to increased appetite.

-Swimming can cause dehydration, especially if done in a heated pool or in warm weather. dehydration Often mistaken for hunger, it can lead to increased appetite.

swimming It’s a high-intensity exercise that burns a lot of calories. When you burn more calories than your body consumes, hunger signals are triggered to replenish your energy stores. So after a swim session, the body needs more energy, signaling the brain to consume more food, which can result in weight gain. appetite.

“Overall, swimming is a great form of exercise to keep you fit, but it’s important to listen to your body and supplement with the right nutrients to support your fitness goals,” she said. concluded.

What do other experts say?

“Contrary to popular belief that swimming is not effective for weight loss, swimming is actually a very beneficial form of exercise for weight management,” said FITTR fitness coach Utsav Agrawal.

He went on to give some reasons why swimming is actually great for weight loss.

1. Full body workout: Swimming works multiple muscle groups throughout your body, including your arms, legs, core, and back. that is, comprehensive training Helps you burn a lot of calories.

2. Low impact exercise:
Swimming is a low-impact activity that puts minimal stress on your joints. It reduces the risk of injury compared to high-impact exercises such as running and jumping, making it an ideal choice for people with joint pain or those who are overweight.

3. Increased calorie consumption:
Swimming is cardiovascular exercise Your heart rate increases and your metabolism speeds up. Depending on the intensity and duration of your swim, it can help you burn a significant amount of calories during your session.

Swimming is not only a great way to burn calories, but it also helps build lean muscle mass. Swimming is not only a great way to burn calories, but it also helps build lean muscle mass. (Image source: Pexels)

4. Improved durability: Regular swimming improves cardiovascular endurance and stamina. As your swimming skills improve, you will be able to swim at higher intensity for longer periods of time and burn more calories.

5. Tones muscles and builds strength. Swimming is not only a great way to burn calories, but it also helps build lean muscle mass. Swimming keeps you against the resistance of the water, strengthens your muscles, and increases tone.

6. Consistency and Sustainability: One of the benefits of swimming is that it can be a lifelong activity. It’s fun and refreshing for many, and increases your chances of maintaining a consistent exercise routine. Regular swimming contributes to sustainable weight loss and overall fitness.

“While swimming is an effective exercise for weight loss, it is important to note that diet and nutrition also play an important role in achieving your weight loss goals. Combined with regular swimming sessions, it optimizes weight loss efforts,” he said.

Precautions when swimming

Here are some additional considerations to keep in mind when swimming based on personal health and fitness, shared by Agarwal.

1. Warm up and cool down: As with any exercise, it’s important to warm up before swimming to prepare your muscles and joints for the activity. Start with light stretching and do a few laps at a relaxed pace. After swimming, swim at a slow pace and stretch again to cool down to prevent muscle soreness.

2. Stroke selection:
Certain swim strokes may be more suitable than others, depending on your fitness level and any pre-existing health conditions or injuries. For example, breaststroke and backstroke put less strain on the shoulders than freestyle (front crawl). Experiment with different strokes to find one that is comfortable and enjoyable for you.

3. Breathing control: Proper breathing is very important in swimming. If you’re a beginner or have trouble controlling your breathing, consider taking swimming lessons or working with a swim coach to learn the correct technique. Learning to breathe effectively will help you maintain endurance and swim more effectively.

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