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Google Maps uses artificial intelligence to help you find EV chargers wherever you are

Google Maps uses artificial intelligence to help you find EV chargers wherever you are


Google Maps is getting an upgrade that will help electric car owners keep their cars charged while they're on the go. And the company is using artificial intelligence to do it.

Google has announced that it will add real-time details about chargers to the Google Maps app if users indicate they are driving an EV. EV drivers will be able to see details about charger status, location, and number of available plugs while on the road. Google Maps also includes estimated range if drivers take turn-by-turn routes and provides suggestions based on the car's battery level.

Additionally, drivers using Google to plan their trips can now filter hotels by whether they have EV charging.

“Electric vehicle ownership is on the rise, meaning more people are looking for ways to charge their cars while on the go or planning a road trip.” Google a representative said in a blog post.

The move marks the latest way Google is incorporating AI into its products. Google was considered the leader in AI for many years until the surprising success of his OpenAI ChatGPT about two years ago. Since then, Google has been racing to add viral AI features to its apps and services. This included the launch of the Bard chatbot, which was later renamed Gemini. The company has also added features like Magic Editor for photos, which makes it easier to unblur photos and erase unwanted objects, among other things.

Google is expected to announce more AI products at Google I/O, a developer conference starting May 14th.

For hands-on CNET reviews, AI news, tips, and explanations on generative AI products like Gemini, Claude, ChatGPT, and Microsoft Copilot, check out our new AI Atlas resource page.

Smarter Google Maps

Google said the addition of AI to Google Maps will help enhance features such as summarizing customer reviews for individual EV chargers. The company also plans to use AI to help drivers find chargers in discreet locations, such as inside a garage or across a parking lot. An example of directions provided by Google included, “Enter the underground parking lot and follow the signs to the exit. Turn right just before exiting.”

Google also plans to prompt users to add details about their experience, such as how long they waited and whether they were able to successfully charge their vehicle.

Google said it will begin rolling out the feature for free around the world in the coming months, starting with vehicles equipped with Google-built infotainment, such as some Volvo and Polestar models. Last month, Google added several EV-related features to its other driver assistance app, Waze.

Read more: Introducing AI Atlas, your guide to today's artificial intelligence

how it works

With EVs currently accounting for about 7% of new car sales in the U.S. and more than 25% of new car sales in Google's home state of California, these new mapping features are likely to be popular.

Google said many of Google Maps' EV-specific features will be automated. Some EVs have a special version of Google Maps “built-in” to their infotainment systems, allowing the app to track the car's charging status, speed, and other details.

When a user plans a route in an EV, Google Maps will also recommend Boost charging stations along the way based on the battery's charge level and adjust the expected arrival time to include charging if selected.

For those who don't have a Google-made infotainment system, the company plans to add some EV features to the mobile version of Google Maps in the coming months as well.

Editor's note: CNET used an AI engine to create dozens of stories and label them accordingly. The notes you are reading are attached to articles that substantively cover the topic of AI, all written by professional editors and writers. Please see our AI Policy for more information.




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