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Effects of KMC in preterm and low birth weight infants

Effects of KMC in preterm and low birth weight infants


Methods of care involving skin-to-skin contact between mothers and preterm or low-birth-weight infants appear to have a significant impact on a child’s odds of survival, suggests a study published online in the journal Nature. there is BMJ Global Health.

The researchers found that by starting the intervention within 24 hours of birth and conducting it for at least 8 hours per day, the approach appeared to be more effective in reducing mortality and infections.

A method of care known as “kangaroo mother care” (KMC), which usually involves the mother carrying the infant in a sling in skin-to-skin contact, is a method of reducing mortality. A number of studies have already shown. and the risk of infection to children.

The World Health Organization recommends this as the standard of care for low birth weight infants after their clinical condition has stabilized.

However, less is known about the ideal time to initiate intervention. Indian researchers therefore conducted a review of a large number of large multi-country and community-based randomized trials on this topic.

By reviewing existing studies, the researchers compared KMC with conventional care and compared an early (within 24 hours after birth) approach to a delayed KMC initiation, demonstrating that this We set out to see what effect it had on neonatal and infant mortality and critical illness. Low birth weight and preterm infants.

Their review examined 31 trials involving a total of 15,559 infants, of which 27 studies compared KMC with conventional care and four studies compared early versus late KMC. bottom.

An analysis of the results showed that compared with conventional treatment, KMC reduced the risk of death during childbirth hospitalization or up to 28 days of age by 32%, while reducing the risk of serious infections such as sepsis by 15%. was shown. .

We also found that the mortality reduction was independent of gestational age and child weight at enrollment, when KMC was initiated, and where KMC was initiated (hospital or community).

It was also noted that daily duration of KMC of at least 8 h per day had a greater mortality advantage than short duration of KMC.

A study comparing early-started KMC to late-started KMC found a 33% reduction in neonatal mortality and a possibly 15% reduction in the risk of clinical sepsis by 28 days after starting early KMC. has been proven.

This review had several limitations and could be considered biased as the included studies included interventions that were clearly known to the participants, very low birth weight infants, Very preterm and very unstable neonates were often excluded from studies.

However, the review authors found that the risk of bias in the included studies was generally low and the review included a comprehensive and systematic examination of existing studies, so the certainty of the evidence for the primary outcome was moderate. said to be high from

The researchers concluded, “Our findings support the use of KMC for preterm and low birth weight infants as soon as possible after birth and for at least 8 hours per day.”

“Future research should focus on overcoming and facilitating barriers to large-scale introduction of KMC in institutions and communities. Data on long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes are also needed.”


Reference magazines:

Sivanandan, S., Sankar, MJ (2023). Kangaroo maternal care for preterm or low birth weight infants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Global Health.




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