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Email reveals Microsoft's investment in OpenAI was prompted by concerns about Google

Email reveals Microsoft's investment in OpenAI was prompted by concerns about Google


Microsoft invested $1 billion in OpenAI in 2019 because it was so concerned that Google was expanding its AI efforts years ahead of its time. An internal email titled “Thoughts on OpenAI” between Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott, CEO Satya Nadella, and co-founder Bill Gates shows that Microsoft's collaboration took place in the months before the partnership was announced. Some of the high-level discussions surrounding investment opportunities have come to light.

The email was made public on Tuesday as part of the U.S. Department of Justice's ongoing antitrust lawsuit against Google, Business Insider reported.

In terms of the scale of machine learning, the company is several years behind its competitors, Scott wrote in a June 12, 2019 email to Nadella and Gates. He details how it took him six months to replicate and train his BERT language model at Google because the infrastructure was not up to the task. doing.

Microsoft impressed by Google's early use of AI

Scott initially dismissed OpenAI and Google DeepMind's AI efforts when they competed to see who could pull off the most impressive gameplay stunts, explicitly referencing the Google DeepMinds AlphaGo Zero demo. He said it was. When things moved to a natural language processing model, Scott quickly became even more impressed. Scott writes that he became very concerned as he tried to understand where the capability gaps were between Google and us when it came to training models.

Scott said some of Google's early AI models helped give it a competitive advantage over Bing, and he also praised Gmail's autocomplete feature, which got much better in 2019.

In response to Scott's thoughts on OpenAI, Nadella forwarded them to Microsoft CFO Amy Hood, noting that this is why I want to do this. Hood is a key member of Microsoft's senior leadership team and is tasked with overseeing the company's financial goals and regularly reining in Microsoft's spending.

The email thread, which you can read below, has been heavily redacted and appears to be a reply to Nadella or Gates. Although Gates resigned from Microsoft's board in 2020 amid an investigation into an affair with an employee, he reportedly still plays a key role in Microsoft's ongoing relationship with OpenAI. . It's not clear from the internal emails who initiated the discussions about OpenAI in 2019, but Business Insider earlier this week reported that Gates had been meeting regularly with OpenAI since 2016 and helped broker deals. It was reported that

Microsoft has now invested more than $13 billion in OpenAI and is adding its models to Office apps, the Bing search engine, Edge, and even within the Windows operating system. This allows Microsoft to be seen as a leader in the AI ​​space, rather than a step backwards as was feared five years ago. Nadella recently named AI and security as Microsoft's top two areas of focus for 2024 and beyond, suggesting that the rollout of AI capabilities into Microsoft products is not slowing down.




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