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Despite Recent Improvements, Study Finds Childhood Cancer Diagnosis Is More Common Than 15 Years Ago

Despite Recent Improvements, Study Finds Childhood Cancer Diagnosis Is More Common Than 15 Years Ago



According to one study, the number of childhood cancer diagnoses in the United States has been on the rise for more than a decade. study It was published Tuesday in the National Cancer Institute Journal.

There were 14,381 new childhood cancer diagnoses in the United States in 2019, with approximately 177 new cases per million children and teens through age 19. Incidence rates have declined since peaking in 2016, but are still about 8% higher than then. In 2003, there were approximately 165 new infections per million children and adolescents.

“Overall, the incidence of cancer in children and adolescents was very rare, and the increase was modest,” said the study’s first author and a pediatric oncologist in the Cancer Division at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. David Siegel, an epidemiologist, said. . “Previous studies have also reported improved survival rates. Therefore, the combination of increased incidence and decreased mortality means that more and more cancer survivors will need long-term care and resources.” means.”

The researchers drilled down into prevalence rates by cancer type, age group, geographic region, and other demographic subdivisions. Siegel said this detailed data could help improve patients’ lives by directing resources where they are most needed, especially in terms of clinical trials for treatment and supportive care. said.

Leukemia is the most commonly diagnosed childhood cancer, with new diagnoses rising from 43 per million children in 2003 to 47 in 2019, according to the CDC. data. New diagnoses of lymphoma, liver tumor, bone tumor, and thyroid cancer also increased.

However, melanoma diagnoses have declined, from about 6 new cases per million children in 2003 to about 3 in 2019.

For this study, the researchers used data from medical records collected in the CDC’s Federal Cancer Statistics Database. By 2003, all 50 states were reporting data, providing a complete picture of childhood cancer in the US population. It can take years from diagnosis before the data is available in the system. 2019 is the most recent data at the time of the survey.

Siegel said this lag in data could explain some of the recent drop in prevalence, especially amid the logistical challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. But there is room for hope.

“It is very likely that there is some positive reason why cancer develops. [incidence] It’s declining,” he said. In the study, Siegel and his colleague authors found a potential relationship between reduced incidence of melanoma and public health interventions that emphasize the importance of sun protection at a young age. pointed out.

“However, data artifacts can have an impact and should be interpreted with caution,” Siegel said.

Factors such as cancer detection, reporting, and changes in risk factors also add to the complexity of the trend.

Siegel said childhood cancer is rare, so more data is needed to understand it.of Pediatric cancer STAR method – focused on survivors, treatment, access and research – was relicensed this year with commitments through fiscal year 2028.

One of the goals of this law is to make childhood cancer data accessible in the shortest possible time.

“We expect the data to become more real-time and help clinicians use it to meet patient needs and improve outcomes more quickly,” Siegel said.




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