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Coronavirus Wisconsin Today: WI COVID-19 cases increased by 1,018 and 0 new deaths. Total number of cases exceeds 46K, 878 deaths


As the number of new coronavirus cases increased throughout the United States and around the world, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Wisconsin reached 46,917 with 878 deaths in the state.

The Wisconsin Department of Health reported that the state’s new COVID-19 cases broke the 1,000 mark for the second time in four days. State health officials announced 1,018 new cases of coronavirus and 0 deaths on Friday.

At a news conference on Tuesday, Dr. Alison Arwardy said Wisconsin could be added to Chicago’s travel quarantine order starting next week.

We’ve put together information and resources you need to know to keep you and your family safe and secure. Here you can find all the latest ABC7 reports on the outbreak of COVID-19.

Screening: Survivors of Wisconsin COVID-19 Instruct People to Stop “Dissatisfaction” About Long-Term Home Orders

Three cities enact mask obligations. Evers resists statewide order
Racine, Green Bay and Superior have joined Madison and Milwaukee as Wisconsin cities that have passed the demands of people to wear masks in certain public places. However, Governor Tony Evers has resisted issuing statewide orders, as in many neighboring states. Currently, more than half of the US states delegate masks throughout the state. Minnesota was supposed to be the latest to announce its mission Wednesday. Masks are also required in the vicinity of Illinois and Michigan. The requirements for Racine, Green Bay and Superior were approved by the city council on Tuesday night. All of these are valid on Monday.

Wisconsin opioid overdose increased by 117% since the beginning of the pandemic
Health officials in Wisconsin say that suspicions of opioid overdose have increased by 117% since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, compared to the same time last year. Data from the Wisconsin emergency department compare 325 suspected overdose from March to 13 July with 150 suspected overdose for that period of 2019. DHS officials say calls to the state helpline show that the demand for information on behavioral health is increasing as well.

Federal Action Against Wisconsin Local COVID-19 Order Dismissed
A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by 24 Wisconsin residents who challenged various home-based directives enacted to curb the spread of coronaviruses. Judge William Grisbach of the US District Court denied the challenge on Monday. The judge says the mistake requires the case to be dismissed, but it can be re-raised. The layoffs came as Wisconsin set a new record high for the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases on Tuesday. More than 44,000 people have been diagnosed with 859 deaths.

Wisconsin’s Largest Teachers Union Wants Online Schools
Teachers’ unions in the five largest Wisconsin school districts have called on Governor Tony Evers and the state’s best health and education authorities to close schools early this year due to a coronavirus pandemic. The letter sent Monday was signed by union leaders for teachers in Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Kenosha and Racine. Sent to Evers, Secretary of Public Education Carolyn Stanford Taylor, and Secretary of Health Andrea Palm. The districts of Milwaukee and Madison will begin their academic year with online instruction only and have already announced that they will be reassessed later.

Wisconsin unemployment rate fell to 8.5%, below the national rate
Wisconsin unemployment dropped to 8.5% in June. On Thursday, Democratic lawmakers announced a proposal to remove obstacles and increase access to unemployment benefits, as Governor Tony Evers temporarily reassigned 100 state workers to address outstanding claims. The good news came Thursday. The Department of Workforce Development has a hard time processing the claims of all those seeking unemployment. Currently, about 141,000 people are waiting for payment. Wisconsin’s unemployment rate was below the national average of 11.1%, well below the state’s high of 13.6% in April. Wisconsin added 99,300 private sector jobs in June.

An unknown number of unemployed in Wisconsin was either too much or insufficient, benefiting from the Department of Labor in late April, according to a new audit. The error occurred because the federal government worked to process additional funding to help those who were suddenly unemployed due to a coronavirus pandemic. The Legislative Audit Department said on Wednesday that the department should determine the number and quantity of people who have sent inaccurate amounts and report by August 14. Commissioner Caleb Frostman said the department is implementing all audit recommendations.

Milwaukee Council approves mandatory masks in public

Wearing face coverings to prevent the spread of coronaviruses may soon be mandatory in the largest cities of Wisconsin. The Milwaukee Common Council unanimously approved on Monday the regulations requiring masks in public spaces. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel also reports that the City Council has unanimously adopted another proposal to provide free masks to city residents. People over the age of 3 must cover their faces in public buildings and outdoor public spaces that cannot be located 6 feet away from their faces. There are exceptions due to medical conditions and religious reasons. Last week, public health Madison and Dane County issued an order indoors requiring a mask. It will take effect on Monday.

Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the Rider Cup has been postponed until 2021 in Wisconsin. It was set on 25-27 September
The Rider Cup was postponed until 2021 in Wisconsin due to the COVID-19 epidemic. It was a Whistling Straight set on 25-27 September.

Evers: Parliament Building Closed, National Workers Wear Masks
Governor Tony Evers administration has postponed the reopening of the State Capitol, and all state employees will be required to wear masks at state facilities starting next week. The Capitol building has been closed since March as part of Evers’ plan to slow the spread of coronaviruses. It was scheduled to open next Monday, but the Evers administration announced Wednesday that it would close indefinitely. The government also announced from Monday that all state employees must wear a mask when working indoors in state facilities (bathrooms, elevators, parking lots, etc.).

WLS-TV contributed to this report.

Copyright © 2020 AP News Agency. all rights reserved.


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