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Jake Sullivan says US military aid will help Ukraine launch counter-offensive in 2025

Jake Sullivan says US military aid will help Ukraine launch counter-offensive in 2025


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Ukraine will seek to launch a new counteroffensive in 2025 after receiving $61 billion in U.S. military aid to help it prevent Russia from making further progress this year, said Jake Sullivan, the U.S. adviser to national security.

Speaking at the FT Weekend Festival in Washington on Saturday, Sullivan said he still expects Russian advances on the battlefield in the coming period, despite the new US funding plan approved last month, as it It is impossible to instantly activate the button.

But he said that with Washington's new help, kyiv would have the ability to hold the course and ensure Ukraine resists Russia's onslaught through 2024.

And discussing the scenario of next year's war, Sullivan said Ukraine intends to move forward to regain the territory the Russians took from it.

His comments on a potential Ukraine counteroffensive represent the White House's clearest expression yet of how it sees the conflict evolving if President Joe Biden is re-elected in November.

Any new Ukraine offensive in 2025 would depend on increased funding from Congress and approval from the White House.

But Donald Trump, the former president and presumptive Republican nominee, has been skeptical of aid to Ukraine and has pledged to try to end the conflict quickly and seek a negotiated settlement.

Ukrainian officials have expressed hope that the country's armed forces will be able to reverse the trend next year.

In a speech to Ukrainians to mark the third Orthodox Easter since Russia's full-scale invasion in February 2022, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked soldiers on Ukraine's front lines and said Russia had broken all [bible] the commandments, demanding our home, came to kill us.

God has a chevron with the Ukrainian flag on his shoulder [and] with such an ally, life will definitely triumph over death, he said on Sunday.

Kiev residents lined up outside the city's churches to receive Easter blessings, as fighting continued on the southern and eastern front lines and Russia continued to target key infrastructure with missile barrages and of drones.

Attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure have caused $1 billion in damage since March 22, Energy Minister German Galushchenko said in an interview on national television on Sunday.

Delays in American aid, mainly military, compounded by Ukraine's labor shortage, have weakened Ukraine's ability to stay the course.

Since February, Russia has used the strategic advantage it gained after capturing the town of Avdiivka in Donetsk to enter more than half a dozen villages in the region. The Russian Defense Ministry said Sunday that its forces had captured Ocheretyne, a village in Donetsk.

While Ukraine has said it is preparing for a new counteroffensive, its officials have also said May could be one of the most difficult months of the war, as it waits for weapons supplied by the United States reaches the front line.

Speaking to German newspaper Bild last month, Zelensky said there was a plan for another counter-offensive, but that it depended on more weapons, including from the United States.

But with much-needed supplies and weapons on their way to the front lines after U.S. aid was approved last month, resolving Ukraine's personnel shortage is crucial to its chances against Russia.

Many Ukrainians refused to join the mobilization campaign that began almost a year ago, citing fear of poor commanders and a lack of weapons.

Ukrainian leaders tried to solve these problems by combining more liberal recruitment methods and better conditions for soldiers. But it remains to be seen what impact this and the new aid plans will have on the mood.




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