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Coronavirus Response Assessed by Scientist and Zombie Expert Max Brooks


Humanity and the ongoing battle with COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic? Do we know what it takes to survive future threats? Isn’t this the end, let alone the current threats? What about threats, which at least existed only in horror and other genres of fiction so far? If the next horrific twist of 2020 is a zombie apocalypse, how can we deal with it?

A zombie expert and a small flock of scientists Comic Con @ Home Try to answer some of these questions. Lack of it? I hope 2020 will not be a gift for the surprise zombies of Act IV.

Attached panel Max Brooks (Author of Second World War, Zombie Survival Guide,and Devolved), biodefense specialist Dr. Greg Koblenz of George Mason University, Dr. Jiji Grombar of Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Shanara Toner Schmart of University of Nebraska Medical Center, Dr. Jarod Hanson of University of Maryland and Dr. Jarrod Hanson of Maryland Medical Center. What valuable information did they have to survive to survive on how they prepared or fail it?

“The threat was around us,” said moderator Justin Hart when he started the panel. Hart listed a long list of recent horrific pandemics, all of which had huge numbers of deaths, but none of them had the numbers that the current pandemics have. The number continues to grow. Testing has always been a problem, and certainly it is now. The ability to get the right equipment needed, as well as lack of government support, has proven to be a major obstacle.

In light of the above, the issue of genre-fiction doesn’t seem to be offered, but Hart has confirmed that the world of fiction can inform (and in some cases help) the over-real world. What are the uses of the lessons learned?

“I really ask if we have learned any lessons along the way,” Dr. Hanson said, referring to the terrible laundry list of the pandemic Hart just rattled. “I don’t think I’ve learned anything before. Especially what I learned at COVID is that this is the ultimate group project going wrong. We can’t keep people at home, I can’t get it. I think some people wear masks, but how can I improve it if I really don’t have a place to go?”

He went on to point out how quickly other pandemics (such as SARS) were dealt with in other countries, and that the United States could not do the same. “We’ve obviously ruined what we never thought of as a pandemic planner or a public health planner.”

This lack of imagination was devastating. As Hanson says, the question we really need to ask is “Why did you mess up so badly?” He recommends hearing from public health experts on how we will succeed in the future.

“Every day is a day of biology news, and the only way science can get out of this turmoil,” Dr. Grombal added. Besides addressing the coronavirus pandemic, science Next Pandemic — or a fictional zombie pandemic with 100% mortality. “We need to support [science] Make sure you have it when you need it. It was a disaster as a whole, but science was the most promising part of this. “New technologies and new collaborations have helped, but when science reaches the clinic, things slow down.

“There’s no excuse that it takes a long time for us to understand that hydroxychloroquine wasn’t a good drug for COVID…” she added. “Something we need to fix? Science and health security professionals need to be at the highest level of governance.” According to Glombar, this is as much a person running this country as a nuclear weapon. Should be important to “This was a failure in action.”

Dr. Ratnesar-Shumate argued that the various scientific disciplines were most clearly linked and needed further collaboration. Simply put, virologists and physicists must be friends. One thing she thinks needs to change? “There is a great deal of distrust in scientists, especially in the United States,” she added, adding that the next generation needs to be able to understand science. It’s about saving lives, not robbing freedom.

Then Dr. Koblenz got into what we should have learned (and not what we absolutely learned) from the zombie apocalypse genre. “One of the good lessons is to anticipate the unexpected,” he said, pointing out that such a pandemic is usually a surprise, much like a zombie outbreak. He also believes we cannot really identify “pillar events” that can be blamed as the main cause-as he says, it’s close to what we see. Would be walking Dead Or Second World War “We have never really learned what the origin of the virus that caused the outbreak of zombies was,” he said.

According to Koblenz, the “human factor” is also a big point. “In most zombie literature, humans are as threatening as the early zombies because of fear and ignorance, misinformation, and false information.” Later in these stories, it was “what you need me. If you have, then I’ll be in a scenario survival game that takes it. Koblenz argued that the global competition for cooperation currently does nothing.

He also revealed that fighting zombies is not the same thing as fighting our current pandemic, he said, “viruses are much harder to see and fight than zombies.” For example, a person who has a virus does not show a bite.

So do Brooks think we should learn? He did a lot of research for his book, but he started by revealing that he was just a “normal Schmack” and that there was no “Dr” in front of his name. As part of a think tank and immersed in his research, Brooks was surprised that most of the information fell short of public awareness.

“The biggest threat to us as a nation is the gap between Americans and their protectors, and this really is one of the reasons this is such a problem in America. If this struck us 40 years ago, there would be enough Americans still alive and in authority to remember the days of polio darkness and whooping cough, the day before vaccination. There would have been,” Brooks said. According to Brooks, we lost the bacterial “muscular memory” and “fear of the intestines”, which is why we are where we are now. “You can understand something, but you cannot understand it in your heart and soul.”

So what do we do about it? “If you can’t pass this knowledge on to your boss, it’s not worth keeping your hamster’s vomiting warm,” Brooks quoted Eddie Murphy. It doesn’t matter how smart and bulky the big books about viruses are. If we don’t understand it, our leadership will fail if the average American understands it. Brooks made the sound of failure by dropping such a book on the floor.

This is usually the entry and exit point for artists added by Brooks regarding their role during World War II. “It’s all hands-on decks in the press.” It takes the essence of what professionals understand and lets laymen like Brooks understand why it’s worth it. “We can do that,” he said, begging the troops’ waiting armies to be on board. He also added that you can’t digest science teachers for young students, and then you can’t expect them to learn about airborne droplets later in life.

After all, the impression from Brooks and all the experts was that this pandemic is definitely not the last. Can the next zombie be handled differently, with or without zombies (hopefully here)?

To quote Dr. Hanson, “Maybe I will study this time.”

click here Full version of SYFY WIRE’s Comic-Con @ Home 2020.


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