7 myths about incredible face masks

You need to wear a face mask even if you are not ill.
Sarah Taew / CNET
For the latest news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, WHO website..
Many states have in the United States Mandatory wearing of face mask Public places and Avoid crowds Impossible to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus, Guidelines From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Even Trump, who has declined to wear it all the time, Tweeted my photo with a face mask on, Wear a “patriotic act” and call a mask. And on July 10, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Governor Robert Kaplan said Help the economy recover faster..
There is still a lot about Unknown coronavirus, The misinformation about face covering is widespread. Jackson Ryan, a CNET science editor with a PhD. In clinical medicine, it’s called an anti-vaccine conspiracy.”Dangerous and lack of knowledge”
For example, People who oppose wearing masks Started to wear a mesh mask that “covers” the nose and mouth, but still allows drop types Known to infect viruses.. And others believe that you don’t have to wear a mask if you don’t have symptoms-it’s supported by leading health care professionals, doctors, scientists, or national and international recommendations. Not a myth.
Here are seven myths about wearing face masks during a pandemic. This story is updated frequently with new information, CDC, World Health Organization And other medical institutions. This is for informational purposes only, not medical advice. If you If you think you have a coronavirus, follow these steps..
read more: Where to Buy Face Masks Online Now
Myth 1: Coronavirus is not real, no masking required
is more than 16.4 million confirmed, approximately 654,000 dead It has been reported to be caused by the coronavirus worldwide. But some people still have the virus Either hoax Or Exaggerated.. There are more than 4 million confirmed cases and more than 150,000 deaths in the United States alone. Market Watch Reported About one in three Americans believe that the coronavirus has not killed as many people as reported.
Many people have a 26 minute video promoting a conspiracy theory Plandemic, And some of its subsequent distribution via social media Responsible for spreading COVID lie.. These falsehoods are repeated foolish The entire medical and scientific community.
When you go out in public or on the go, wear a face mask to protect yourself and others. You and others may get sick without you knowing. Asymptomatic, Confuse symptomatic or mild symptoms with other causes such as allergies. People who are mildly affected can spread to other populations, including loved ones who are infected with the virus. Higher risk He developed a severe form of COVID-19.
Myth 2: The mask can be made of any material as long as the face is covered
Face mask (“Anti mask“), several vendors offer mesh and lace masks for purchase online. The vendor claims the masks are more breathable. May contain coronavirus..
The best masks feature tight knit material and/or filter pockets to prevent breathing spray from passing through the mask. Most protective mask, N95 mask,block 95% of small particles containing virusesBut during the pandemic, they were difficult to obtain and said the organization should give medical and healthcare workers first companions.
Ah Investigation The University of Arizona (PDF) found that wearing a face cover reduced the risk of infection by 24% with a simple cotton cover and up to 99% with a professional medical grade filter mask. Researchers too Highest to lowest effectiveness of ranked facemask materials In their test.
read more: These face masks were made only for kids
Please wear a mask even if you do not have any symptoms.
Sarah Taew / CNET
Myth 3: Only sick people need to wear face masks
Just because you haven’t experienced COVID 19 symptoms It does not mean that you are not ill. of CDC cites more than 12 studies The show Asymptomatic Or, a pre-symptomatic person can spread the coronavirus even if they are unaware that they are ill.
The earliest recommendations from WHO Supporting the stance that healthy people don’t have to wear masks, But after more evidence emerged, the organization Updated official recommendation..
It is safest to wear a mask whenever you are around someone outside your family to prevent the virus from transmitting to others. It helps to lower Risk of spreading respiratory droplets From talking, coughing and sneezing.
Evidence is increasing Coronavirus may float in the airThat is, someone could stay in the air long enough to inhale it and become infected. Wearing the mask creates a barrier that traps droplets containing virus released by the wearer. That is, breathing in the same air as an infected person who does not wear a mask and does not wear a mask increases the risk of getting a coronavirus.
read: MIT engineers design reusable face masks as effective as the N95
Myth 4: Wearing a medical mask inhales more carbon dioxide
When properly worn, the mask covers the bridge of the nose (above the nostrils), extends tightly under the chin on both sides and completely covers the nose and mouth.
In some people, medical masks (aka surgical masks) trap exhaled carbon dioxide, Inhale more CO2.. WHO states long-term use of surgical masks Does not cause CO2 poisoning or lack of oxygen..
Masks are just one step in preventing the spread of coronaviruses.
Ann Dusimovic / CNET
Myth 5: You don’t have to go socially if you are wearing a mask
People wear masks to reduce the chance of getting or spreading the coronavirus, as if they were in a crowded market. In the pool or lake Or walk downtown. But WHO says to use masks only Not enough to provide sufficient protection.. Unlike N95 mask undergoing the certification process, There are no regulatory bodies that govern the materials or processes that enter Purchased face mask Or Make at home..
For example, a fabric mask with only one layer of fabric is not as robust as a three layer fabric mask and filter. in the meantime, N95 mask Although certified, it states that organizations should entrust healthcare professionals after the frontline workers are at risk due to a serious shortage.
In addition to using a mask, you should continue to practice moving away, wash your hands frequently, and avoid touching your face.
read more: How to get a safe vacation during a coronavirus epidemic
Myth 6: Masks weaken the immune system
This myth derives from the idea that the human immune system is strengthened by exposure to bacteria and other pathogens.
The American Lung Association No scientific evidence Wearing a mask weakens the immune system. But there is evidence Young and healthy person with no history it can And do Become Serious illness Or Spread description Of COVID-19. For example, in California as of July 26, the age group with the highest number of cases reported was 18-34 years. According to the California Department of Public Health..
Washing your hands or wearing a mask does not harm your immune system. Especially in adults who have already developed the immune system, According to Beaumont Health.. If you’re worried about your physical decline, here’s 5 ways to strengthen your immune system..
Myth 7: Cloth masks do not provide protection from COVID-19
At the beginning of the pandemic, coronaviruses are so new that doctors can prevent them from spreading by wearing cloth surface covers or homemade masks, as compared to medical grade surgical and N95 masks. I wasn’t sure if I could do it.
However, in subsequent research, a mask covering the nose and mouth Acts as a physical barrier For respiratory droplets that can carry and spread coronavirus. Someone may not be able to prevent the coronavirus entirely by covering it with cloth, but CDC director Robert Redfield said on July 14 that the COVID would spread when everyone wore a mask. Could be included..
In other countries that required the use of masks early in the pandemic, the spread of coronavirus has slowed. According to the Mayo Clinic..
Need more information on face masks? here Where to buy online, How to make your face mask more comfortable And that Best Worst Materials for Coronavirus Protection..
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only, not for health or medical advice. Always consult your doctor or other qualified health care provider if you have questions about your medical condition or health goals.
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