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Chicago mayor releases statement after immigrant boy's cause of death determined – NBC Chicago

Chicago mayor releases statement after immigrant boy's cause of death determined – NBC Chicago


almost 2 months A 5-year-old boy died after being taken to a hospital from the Pilsen migrant shelter. Medical examiners have determined the circumstances that led to his death.

Chicago Department of Public Health Initially, it was announced that the boy, identified as Jean Carlos Martínez Rivero, died from a medical emergency. And it's not an infection.

On Friday, the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office revealed the cause of his death.

According to the office's report, the child died of streptococcal infection (A) and sepsis caused by COVID-19. They said he also had two other viruses that were contributing factors.

“It's too much for a little body. It's really sad,” said Dr. Juanita Mora, an allergist and immunologist. “We have to remember that a 5-year-old has very little body fluids, which means that an overwhelming infection like COVID-19 can hit his body,” he says. If you get strep throat at the same time, it gets into your bloodstream and starts affecting other organs.”

Mora said she has seen many children with strep throat this season and said Martinez-Rivero likely experienced symptoms that led to her death.

“I always tell parents to look out for three things: One, the fever doesn't go away. Two, fatigue, whether the child is sleeping well, and three, appetite. It's not doing well.”

These viruses and bacteria can spread easily, especially in shared living spaces such as shelters, she said.

“Maybe the parents felt helpless because they were in an immigrant shelter that didn't get a lot of attention,” Mora said. And as a doctor, I never want to see any child go through something like this again. And I think this is a lesson for all of us in the medical community, as a community itself, about recognizing symptoms, when to take a child to the emergency room, when to seek help immediately. , we need to do better. ”

Fire officials told NBC Chicago they transported him. several other sick children Later that week, he went from the Pilsen shelter to the hospital.

Mayor Brandon Johnson's office released the following statement Saturday morning:

“The City of Chicago once again extends our deepest condolences to the family of Jean Carlos Martínez Rivero. We appreciate the work of our partners.”

A report issued by the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office determined the cause of death to be sepsis. Sepsis is a rare and rapidly fatal complication of invasive Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as group A Streptococcus. Sepsis can cause serious complications within just 24 hours.

The family reported a medical emergency and an ambulance was called immediately. Evacuation staff performed chest compressions on the child, but tragically he died shortly after arriving at the hospital.

The City of Chicago will provide health screenings for all shelter residents, weekly on-site health care provider support, on-site COVID-19, chickenpox and influenza vaccination events, and other medical needs. Coordinating coordination with a network of corresponding community health centers. All shelter residents receive comprehensive health screening and care.

The City is working with local health care providers and the Cook County Health Department to prioritize the health and well-being of asylum seekers throughout the New Arrivals Mission, and the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) continues to monitor and report We plan to respond to all cases. Infectious disease is rampant throughout the city's temporary shelter system. ”




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