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Microplastics linked to risk of stroke and heart attack •

Microplastics linked to risk of stroke and heart attack •


Microplastics exist everywhere on Earth, from the deepest ocean trenches to the highest research from University of Campania The surprising discovery was made that these microplastics also exist within human arteries.

This fact has raised concerns that microplastics may be linked to serious health problems such as heart attacks and strokes.

Microplastics in arteries

Microscopic plastic pollutants, called microplastics, are extremely small, less than 5 millimeters in size. They result from a breakdown. plastic products Things we use every day, such as clothes and cosmetics.

A recent study conducted in Naples, Italy, investigated this issue. Doctors examined 304 patients for fatty deposits called plaque inside their arteries.

Plaque buildup can block arteries, and in some cases a surgeon may remove the plaque during surgery. A surprising finding of this study was that more than half of the patients, or 58%, had microplastics present in their plaques.

Microplastics impact heart health

The presence of microplastics in your arteries is a red flag and may be associated with a significantly increased risk of heart attack. strokeand even death.

Researchers found that people with microplastics in their arteries were almost 4.5 times more likely to experience these cardiovascular events within just three years. This association is particularly concerning because it holds true even after taking into account established risk factors such as: high blood pressuresmoking, cholesterol.

Inflammation caused by microplastics

Microplastics in the arteries can cause chronic inflammation and increase the risk of heart disease. The study found that people with arteries clogged with microplastics had higher levels of inflammatory proteins.

These proteins are common in heart disease and are thought to worsen symptoms by promoting inflammation and damaging blood vessel walls.meanwhile inflammation Inflammation is the body's natural defense against injury and infection, and prolonged inflammation can lead to a variety of health problems.

Microplastics trapped in arterial plaque can trigger an immune system attack and cause chronic inflammation. This persistent inflammatory state can accelerate the onset and progression of heart disease.

According to the World Health Organization, the potential health impacts of plastics are a global concern due to the risks and harms at each stage of their lifecycle.

Plastic is useful and useful, but it's so ubiquitous that it has a negative impact on the environment and can make people sick. Experts warn not to be fooled by the convenience of plastic.

“People need to be aware of what risks our lifestyles carry,” said Dr. Raffaele Malfera, lead author of the study from the University of Campania Luigi.

“We hope that the warning message from our research will raise awareness among citizens, especially governments, to finally recognize the importance of planetary health. Translated into a slogan that connects needs: Plastic-free is healthy for the heart and the planet.”

How do microplastics enter the body?

Microplastics are all around us, so there are many ways to ingest them. This is especially concerning given the health risks of microplastics, including heart attacks and strokes.

food we eat

We often swallow microplastics when we eat. Seafood, especially shellfish and fish, can contain microplastics because they live in contaminated water. Fruits and vegetables can also become contaminated.

water we drink

Microplastics have also been detected in tap water. bottled water, and even lakes and rivers. Plastic trash breaks down over time or because small pieces of plastic fall off plastic pipes as water passes through them.

the air we breathe

We can also breathe in microplastics, especially indoors. Dust containing microplastics can become airborne from carpets, furniture, clothing, etc. Even outdoors, air pollution often includes microplastics from car tires, road paint, and plastic waste.

Other surprising methods

Microplastics have been found in salt, sugar, honey, and even beer, showing just how widespread they are. Microplastics can also be found in some hygiene products such as toothpaste and cosmetics. These can be accidentally swallowed or penetrate the skin.

Tips for limiting exposure to microplastics

While it may seem difficult to avoid microplastics completely these days, there are ways to limit your exposure to them.

  • Choose natural fibers: Choose clothing made from natural materials like cotton, wool, linen, and bamboo to avoid plastic fibers coming out during washing.
  • Use a water filter: Invest in a reliable water filter to remove microplastics from your drinking water, whether tap or bottled water.
  • Avoid single-use plastics: Minimize the use of single-use plastic items like bags, straws, utensils, and water bottles by choosing reusable alternatives made of glass, stainless steel, or silicone.
  • Buy unpackaged foods: Buy fresh produce from farmers markets and mass retailers to reduce your reliance on plastic packaging for fruits, vegetables, and grains.
  • Check your personal care products: Be wary of personal care products that contain microplastics such as polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). Look for products that are labeled “microplastic-free” or contain natural exfoliants like sugar or salt.
  • Choose minimal packaging: Choose products with minimal packaging or recyclable packaging, and consider buying in bulk to reduce plastic waste. Bring reusable containers and bags when shopping.
  • Dispose of plastic responsibly: Recycle plastic waste wherever possible, avoid littering and dispose of it properly. Responsible waste management helps prevent plastic from breaking down into microplastics in the environment.
  • Support plastic reduction efforts: Join efforts to reduce plastic pollution by supporting local community policies and initiatives. Raise awareness about this issue and advocate for long-term solutions.

This research New England Medical Journal.


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