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Are eggs bad for cholesterol?How many foods is it safe to eat for your heart?

Are eggs bad for cholesterol?How many foods is it safe to eat for your heart?


Doctors have long warned patients to avoid eggs for fear of raising cholesterol levels, but a growing body of research is disproving that idea.

People who ate 12 fortified eggs a week had similar cholesterol levels to those who ate an egg-free diet, researchers found April 6 at the American College of Cardiology's annual scientific session. This was revealed in the published research results.

The study involved 140 people with or at high risk for heart disease who were randomly assigned to eat 12 or more eggs or fewer than 2 eggs a week.

After following them for four months, the researchers found no adverse health effects. cardiovascular health According to lead author and researcher Nina Nowhravesh, Ph.D., of the Duke Clinical Research Institute in Durham, North Carolina, those who eat eggs daily have a lower They are even noticing signs that there are benefits.

“Eating 12 fortified eggs a week had no negative effect on their health.” cholesterol” Nuhravesh told

The study found that people who ate eggs daily had improved insulin resistance. This group of people over 65 years old even saw an increase in HDL “good” cholesterol and a decrease in LDL “bad” cholesterol.

Researchers asked participants to eat fortified eggs They contain more omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, vitamins D, B, and E and are lower in saturated fat than regular eggs, Nuhrabesh notes, so they may offer a healthier profile.

It is achieved by the type of feed that the chickens receive. Fortified eggs are widely available in supermarkets, but are more expensive than regular eggs, she added.

This study has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal. Although he received funding from Eggland's Best, Nuhrabesh said it had no effect on the results.

Are eggs bad for cholesterol?

The paper's findings are consistent with other studies, as recent studies have all exonerated the egg, said Dr. James O'Keefe, a member of the American College of Cardiology's Nutrition and Lifestyle Workgroup. says. He was not involved in the new study, which he called “very legitimate.”

“Eggs are not the bad guy. They are a healthy source of protein and nutrients, and can be consumed in moderation,” says Preventive Heart Disease at St. Luke's Mid-America Heart Institute in Kansas City, Missouri. O'Keefe, director of education, told

“In science, we pride ourselves on being able to change minds. These are interesting, powerful new studies. Previous advice was wrong, but we are not ashamed of it. It was very well-informed.”

One egg per day is not associated with cardiovascular disease risk. 2020 reviews and meta-analyses found.

In fact, eating eggs was associated with a lower risk of having a heart attack. 2019 research report.

An important consideration may be what you're eating and Eggs such as bacon and sausage Key foods that cardiologists should avoid.

Is it okay to eat eggs every day?

What's in eggs 8 essential nutrients, protein, healthy fats, and antioxidantsand one of the only natural food sources of vitamin D, says Natalie Rizzo, R.D., nutrition editor at TODAY.

It is also an excellent source of choline, which is important for liver, brain, and muscle function, as well as metabolism and cell membranes. composition.

of egg protein O'Keefe says this can help people feel fuller and prevent them from consuming too many “junky carbohydrates” such as sugar and refined carbohydrates found in fast food and sugary drinks. If you're eating an omelet, you might not be able to reach for a donut in the morning.

Eating more protein is also important as humans lose muscle mass as we age, he added, and eggs are an inexpensive and practical way to increase protein in the diet.

O'Keefe claims that eating two eggs a day, six days a week is a reasonable amount.he focuses on searching omega 3 Because, he says, fortified eggs have been found to be an important nutrient for cardiovascular health.

“I personally love eggs and probably eat at least 14 a week, but I throw away at least half the yolks because that's where the cholesterol is concentrated,” he points out.

“If you have diabetes or heart disease, limit yourself to no more than five egg yolks a week, but you can eat as many egg whites as you like. They're completely neutral.”

The new study found that eating both yolk and white had no negative effect on cholesterol in people who ate 12 fortified eggs a week because patients were encouraged to eat whole eggs, Nuhravesh said. says.

People with heart disease should talk to their cardiologist or family doctor about their diet, she added.


If the amount of cholesterol in your diet is very high, your blood cholesterol will rise slightly. Therefore, it makes sense to pay attention to it, especially those who have risk factors for the disease. Heart diseasesays O'Keefe.

But the most important factor is to avoid processed junk foods and foods with added sugar. This is because they distort hormones, cause cravings and lead to unhealthy eating, he added.

“Don't be afraid of eggs. They are a natural, clean source of high-quality protein and are also rich in many essential nutrients. It's perfectly fine to eat two eggs a day, or 12 eggs a week.” O'Keefe points out.

“If you're worried about your cholesterol and feel guilty, do what I do and throw out all the egg yolks.”




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