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Exploring prebiotics and probiotics as dual warriors against depression and obesity

Exploring prebiotics and probiotics as dual warriors against depression and obesity


Depression is one of the most prevalent and potentially serious mental illnesses, accounting for up to 800,000 suicides each year. Therefore, much research has been conducted on risk factors for depression.

Recent research published online nutrients Addresses the interaction between depression and nutrition and exercise.

Research: The role of gut microbiota, nutrition and physical activity in depression and obesity - interdependent mechanisms/co-occurrence. Image credit: Bits And Splits/Shutterstock.comstudy: Role of gut microbiota, nutrition and physical activity in depression and obesity – interdependent mechanisms/co-occurrence. Image credit: Bits And Splits/

About depression

Depressive disorders include several categories, including persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia), premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and depression induced by addictive drugs or medications or medical conditions.

All are characterized by sadness and irritability, and are accompanied by physical and mental changes. The effects are reduced quality of life and functional impairment.

Furthermore, depression is known to increase the risk of many metabolic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and ischemic heart disease.

Conversely, dietary patterns are associated not only with malnutrition but also with mental health. For example, excessive intake of fat causes chronic inflammation and obesity.


Obesity is defined as excess body fat accumulation as measured by body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage. Associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), insulin resistance, cancer, and neurological damage.

Risk factors for obesity are well known and include gender, age, and smoking, as well as the intake of excess fat and processed foods typical of the Western diet.

Obesity and depression often affect the same individuals along with anxiety disorders. They have a common mechanism of action, as shown by their bidirectional association.

People with depression often eat comfort foods, which can lead to weight gain, especially if the person is inactive. The risk of obesity is almost 40% higher in people who are under psychological stress.

Similarly, obese people are almost 20% more likely to experience anxiety and depression due to negative self-image and negative social perceptions that they are lazy and unable to control their eating and weight. Treatment of depression with antidepressants is effective but can cause weight gain.

Unfortunately, both obesity and depression are among the most prevalent diseases worldwide and have high mortality rates, leading to increased scientific interest in their interrelationship.

intestinal flora

The gut microbiome is essential for proper energy storage and metabolism, but significant variation is observed between obese and lean individuals. This includes less diversity in obese individuals, fewer commensal bacteria, but more pathogenic microorganisms. The resulting metabolic abnormalities may contribute to obesity.

The need for a rational diet and the following therapies: psychotherapy Also, some scientists emphasize drug therapy to treat patients with depression.

Additionally, probiotics and prebiotics may be needed along with nutritional supplements to correct dysbiosis and vitamin deficiencies.

Probiotics and intestinal flora

Researchers sought to understand how the gut microbiome might help treat both obesity and depression, and the role of probiotics and prebiotics in such treatments.

This review suggests that approximately 57% of the composition of the gut microbiota is responsive to dietary patterns.

Probiotics strengthen the intestinal barrier and regulate the immune system. Their use is associated with improving symptoms of depression, possibly by providing vitamin D and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that fight inflammation.

Some strains of probiotic bacteria directly affect neural pathways. They inhibit the depression-inducing hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) and promote the secretion of the anti-stress neurotransmitter GABA, also known as gamma-aminobutyric acid.

Others produce intestinal neurotransmitters that also affect the brain and make you feel better.

Several human clinical trials have shown that probiotics have positive effects not only on depression, but also on related metabolic diseases such as obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and non-alcoholic diseases. suggests. fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

These results are particularly important because probiotics are only effective for gut health and overall disease control as part of a holistic management strategy that includes proper diet, exercise, stress regulation, and adequate sleep. Further research is essential to verify this.

Bacterial strains associated with improving neural pathways. psychobioticscontains multiple lactic acid bacteria stocks like Lactobacillus casei Shirota, lactic acid bacteria yeast NS8 and NS9and Lactobacillus rhamnosus JB-1similarly Bifidobacterium stocks like Bifidobacterium longum lowcell-175, Bifidobacterium longum 1714and Bifidobacterium longum NCC3001.

diet and mental health

The brain receives a significant portion of the absorbed nutrients and uses them to maintain health. For example, regeneration, neuroplasticity, and adequate antioxidant accumulation depend on an adequate supply of nutrients to the brain.

Supplementation with fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), magnesium, folic acid, and vitamins E and D may be beneficial in combating or alleviating severe depression and reducing neuroinflammation. It is suggested.

Certain diets, such as the Mediterranean diet (MD), DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), and vegetarian diets, are frequently evaluated for their relationship with physical and mental health.

The authors of the current study found that both DASH and MD reduced the risk of depression and obesity, but vegetarian and vegan diets yielded conflicting data. However, a high-quality vegetarian diet was effective in preventing depression, highlighting the crucial role of diet quality in the type of diet chosen.

Physical activity and obesity/mood disorders

There is ample evidence that it increases overall energy expenditure, improves mood, reduces anxiety and depression, and promotes weight management. Aerobic exercise is recommended as it helps build fitness and lose weight.

Exercise is associated with lengthening of telomeres, a metabolic health biomarker. It is also associated with brain health, improved sleep quality, and reduced symptoms of depression.

Physical exercise is also associated with improving the composition of the gut microbiome, strengthening commensal organisms, and increasing anti-inflammatory bacteria.

Exercise during childhood may promote the development of bacteria that help the host adapt to changing conditions and promote healthy brain development.

The widespread effects of obesity and depression

Depression is associated with increased mortality and morbidity, absenteeism, severely reduced quality of life, and reduced productivity.

Obesity, which is currently estimated to have a prevalence of 30% in the United States, also has a significant impact on individual and societal health. It can reduce women's fertility, accelerate cognitive loss, shorten life expectancy, and increase employment difficulties.


Obesity and depression have common origins and mutually exacerbate each other. This interaction has a significant impact on quality of life. One possible explanation for their association may be due to dysbiosis of the gut microbiota.

This has stimulated a lot of research into the potential use of probiotics and prebiotics in obesity, as well as depression and anxiety.

Encouraging findings from existing studies highlight the need for robust clinical trials to evaluate the therapeutic potential of microbiota modulation




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