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What is a #fartwalk? Creator Mairlyn Smith breaks down the viral trend

What is a #fartwalk? Creator Mairlyn Smith breaks down the viral trend


Maylin Smith calls herself the “Queen of Textiles.”

Her goal is to help people make small changes that will impact their long-term health, especially when incorporating healthy amounts of fiber into their diets.

The 70-year-old, who has published seven cookbooks and most recently the book Peace, Love & Fiber, not only works on her own health, but also gives advice to others in funny ways, including through TikTok videos. He is also passionate about giving.

Recently, her love for #FartWalks went viral online. This is the name she created to describe the walk she takes with her husband about 60 minutes after dinner to get rid of the gas built up during her meal.

“Why would we do this? Well, we eat a lot of fiber, which gives us gas,” Smith says. video. “I named it that because I fart when I walk.”

“I've been trying to get people to eat fiber-rich diets for about 20 years,” Smith told “We’re so excited that people are participating.”

On social media and in her cookbook, Smith strives to provide people with simple, achievable tips to improve their health and prevent long-term illness.

“It's the small healthy habits we practice every day that can have the biggest impact on our long-term health,” she points out.

#What is Fart Walk?

Smith takes a 20-minute walk at a moderate pace every day after dinner. We call this #FartWalks.

In 2020, Smith began recording her after-dinner walks and posted the videos on social media. She and her husband had an important intention in mind when they started this habit.

“The main reason we did it was because we wanted to reduce the chances of developing type 2 diabetes,” she says. “Why? Because walking helps maintain blood sugar levels,” Smith explains in the video. “And as you get older, especially over the age of 40, you're more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.”

“The science is that if you sit down after dinner, your bowels work less. You actually have to move your bowels to get all that gas out,” she explains. Smith has found that taking walks like this can help reduce bloating and acid reflux.

Her #FartWalk video efforts were pretty steady until March 13, when she posted a video of herself on #FartWalk as part of the “Aging Wonderfully” series.

The hashtag she had been posting for years suddenly received millions of likes and views. She was “stunned” by the increase in engagement.

“I can't keep up with all the comments,” Smith said.

Her post has received approximately 9.5 million views, 7,000 comments, and 321,000 likes.

“What makes my heart shine is that I received so many DMs and so many people contacted me saying things like, 'Thank you,' 'Thank you for making things normal,' and 'I finally relied on my husband.' I think,” he called it a fart walk, so it’s a walk. ”

Smith says she's proud to have helped change this trend.

“It makes me so happy to know that maybe I'm making a difference in someone's long-term health,” Smith says.

Smith recommends making small movements during the day.

Smith, 70, says she walks twice a day and appreciates the “luxury of being able to fit walks into my day.”

However, there was a time when she didn't have much time to do this, but she had developed small habits to keep her active.

“I used to get off at the far subway station so I could get home 20 minutes early. Any small, small thing you can do on a daily basis to get more physical activity is great.”

Even if you can't fit 20 minutes of walking into your day, Smith recommends short bursts of walking. Instead of sitting at a desk all day, she recommends getting up every once in a while and taking a short five-minute walk.

“One of my tips is that drinking water makes you want to go to the bathroom, so you have to drink water and then (walk) to the bathroom.”

She has learned through experience that developing small habits of staying active for at least a few minutes can impact your health.

“I didn't start taking care of myself until I was 70. I started taking care of myself in my 30s because I wanted to be active and vibrant until I died,” Smith says. . “No matter your age, it's never too early or too late to be active.”

Maylin Smith's tips for sticking to a fiber-rich diet

When Smith was in college, she had a professor who said something that stuck with her. “A person is determined by what he eats.”

And throughout her career, Smith has noticed that there are commonalities in the foods that people say are healthy. “They all have different nutrients and properties, but what do they all have in common?”

All are rich in dietary fiber.

Smith realized that the healthy foods she enjoys, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains, are rich in fiber. As a cookbook author, Smith thought, “That's what we need to do to encourage people to eat.”

And when writing her cookbook, she did just that, injecting it with her signature humor. “We found that people learn better when they're laughing,” says Smith.

When encouraging people to eat more fiber, Smith likes to make simple suggestions that make a big difference. When she sets goals for people, she wants them to be easy to follow.

So when she urges her followers and readers to eat apples regularly to reduce the chances of cardiovascular disease and increase antioxidants, she uses the common refrain, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” It reminds me of a saying.

And when I wanted people to eat more vegetables, they started telling me that leafy greens are sexy. “Now they wouldn't do that,” Smith says. “But I thought it would be fun to throw it out there.”




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