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How a “balanced” diet affects your brain and mental health

How a “balanced” diet affects your brain and mental health


  • A new study has found that dietary patterns can influence mental health outcomes.
  • The researchers categorized individuals into four dietary patterns.
  • These patterns were balanced with reduced starch, vegetarian, high protein, and low fiber.

The old adage of following a balanced diet is primarily known for its positive physical effects, but new research shows that such eating habits can have a significant impact on mental health and cognition. is suggested.

New research published in natural mental health This month we looked at the food taste patterns and dietary preferences of more than 180,000 UK adults and categorized them into four categories.

  • Starch free or reduced starch
  • vegetarian
  • High protein, low fiber
  • balanced

More than half of those surveyed fell into the “balanced” category, reporting better mental health outcomes and cognitive functioning than any of the other three.

People who ate a high-protein, low-fiber diet had less gray matter in a part of the brain called the postcentral gyrus than people who ate a balanced diet. was adjusting its movements.

Additionally, vegetarians had more gray matter in a part of the brain called the thalamus and precuneus. Notably, the study found an increased risk of mental health problems in people who consumed more vegetables and fruits, a finding that may be due to the study design. The authors explain that further research is needed.

highly processed foods It has been found to contribute to a variety of health problems, including:

diet like mediterranean dietA diet based on fish and vegetables has shown promising effects on physical health. But the diets that help reduce inflammation can also have a big impact on brain health and mental health. Molly RapozoRDN, registered dietitian nutritionist and senior nutritional health educator at Pacific Neuroscience Institute in Santa Monica, California, was not involved in this study.

“Diets characterized by high intakes of antioxidant-rich vegetables and fruits, limited meat intake, and the use of anti-inflammatory olive oil as the primary fat source are associated with a lower risk of dementia. For example, adherence to the Mediterranean DASH Neurodegeneration Delayed Intervention (MIND) diet, which is high in plant-based foods and low in high-saturated fat foods, has been shown to improve cognitive function and increase brain volume in specific regions. ,” Rapozo told Healthline.

Rapozo also said that saturated fat, sugar, refined carbohydrates It is thought to be associated with decreased cognitive function and brain volume.

“The effect that food has on the body is intestinal microbiota It also plays an important role in brain health, and there is evidence to suggest that gut health is promoted by a rich diet. Dietary fibermay maintain the gut-brain axis and improve cognition,” Rapozo said.

By balancing their eating habits, people can lay the foundations for improved mental health and cognition, research suggests.

Rapozo said lifestyle choices are also an important factor, with quality sleep, regular exercise and good stress management techniques being essential to complement a balanced diet.

Rapozo said the study was “exciting” in part because it was a large study, with more than 181,000 participants, and involved a large amount of data.

“High protein, low fiber diet High emphasis on snack foods was associated with lower health scores, higher levels of inflammatory markers, and increased risk of stroke. These findings seem consistent with what we already know about diet and brain health,” Rapozo said. “You can change your diet to improve your brain health by incorporating starches like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, and potatoes. Lean protein, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, and avocados. So are vegetable fats such as , olives, and olive oil. Reduce your intake of highly processed snack foods, fatty meats such as bacon and sausage, sugar, and other refined carbohydrates.”

diet like paleo, Ketoand 30 whole Both don't focus too much on specific nutrients such as carbohydrates, but they're not meant to be taken over long periods of time. melanie murphy richterregistered dietitian, nutritionist, communications director for a nutrition company ProlonHe was not involved in the study but spoke to Healthline.

“A strict keto diet with little to no carbohydrates can add significant stress and inflammation to the body, leading to a variety of nutritional deficiencies and potential health problems. The Whole 30 diet actually , the first stage of a massive food audition scheme for people to learn about their food. food intolerance. A lot of people start and finish with Whole 30 and never move on to audition for real foods that are designed to help you get fit,” Richter said. “Most people have a hard time understanding what 'balanced' means and don't know how to get all the nutrients they need within these diets. But it's possible! Vegan If you prefer plant-based proteins such as legumes, lentils, tofu, beans, nuts, seeds, and peas, you can meet adequate protein standards without using animal meat or dairy products. It's also important not to use veganism as an excuse to eat large amounts of vegan processed foods, as many people do.

Rapozo offered similar thoughts to his clients, saying that while certain restrictive diets target specific goals, people need to think about their long-term ideals for how they eat.

“Special diets are implemented to achieve desired results, such as weight loss, avoidance of food allergens, and personal values. My goal when working with clients is to help people achieve the most brain-healthy diet possible.” It’s about helping them come up with a plan,” Rapozo said. “For example, a keto diet can emphasize vegetable fats, lean proteins, and fatty fish instead of high saturated fat sources. A vegan diet can emphasize legumes, soy, nuts, By using plant proteins from seeds, we can make it more balanced. Once the client's goals are achieved, we encourage them to incorporate a more diverse range of foods.”

A new study of more than 180,000 people in the UK suggests that a balanced diet that doesn't restrict certain foods is associated with improved mental health and cognitive function.

Experts say a less restrictive diet can improve overall cognitive function.

However, lifestyle choices such as sleep quality, exercise, and stress management are also important factors for mental health and cognition.




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