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4 foods that boost energy according to a nutritionist

4 foods that boost energy according to a nutritionist


According to one study, 20% of American adults get just 5 hours or less of sleep each night. Recent Gallup Poll.

Experts agree that we need to prioritize get enough sleep If you want to wake up energized the next day. But there are some foods that nutritionists claim can boost your energy when you need a pick-me-up.

According to experts, these four foods are the key to increasing your energy.

4 foods that boost energy according to a nutritionist

1. Complex carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates, such as white bread, are quickly broken down into sugar, causing an immediate spike in blood sugar levels. Dr.nancy ranamainternist and clinical nutritionisthe told CNBC Make It. In January 2023.

“And anything that spikes will crash,” Rahnama said. “This superlative crash and burn causes fatigue, irritability, mood changes, headaches, and hunger all day long. [and] craving. ”

Unlike simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates are “digested more slowly, resulting in a slower release of glucose into the bloodstream,” according to the magazine. american heart association.

Eating complex carbohydrates for breakfast can help you feel energized throughout the day, says registered dietitian Maya Ferrer Said CNBC Make It last year.

with feller other experts We recommend eating the following to get more energy:

  • wheat bread
  • sweet potato
  • oatmeal
  • pumpkin seeds
  • apple
  • Chickpea

2. Foods rich in dietary fiber

We could all use more fiber in our diets. According to recent research, Most Americans don't get enough nutrition.

Rahnama says eating high-fiber foods first of the day turns out to be a great energy-boosting hack.

Here are some foods rich in dietary fiber Recommended by nutritionists:

  • berries
  • Quinoa
  • prune
  • Leafy vegetables, especially spinach

To incorporate these foods into your diet, you can enjoy a smoothie mixed with berries and prunes, or eat a leafy green salad with quinoa.

3. Heart-healthy fats

A common food group that nutritionists claim is a great energy booster is heart-healthy fats.

Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids support brain health, and fatty fish such as salmon and sardines support brain health. Boosts mood and reduces depression levels, patricia bannannutritionist, nutritionist, told CNBC's “Make It” In 2022.

Depression can lower your energy levels and hinder your ability to be productive.

Bannan also notes that unsaturated fats are helps reduce inflammation and reduce blood pressureis important for brain health. ”

Some possible heart-healthy fats include:

  • avocado
  • Tofu
  • olive
  • sardine
  • dark chocolate
  • salmon

4. Water

This may seem simple, but it's often overlooked as a way to boost your energy. Feeling dehydrated can affect your mood and cause you to feel sluggish. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

On the other hand, it says drinking enough water throughout the day can help “maintain energy levels by keeping your muscles energized.” Lauren Manakera registered dietitian nutritionist, Article she wrote for CNBC Make It.

The jury is still clearly out. how much water should you drink every dayConsider a variety of factors, especially the amount of physical activity you engage in. But reaching for a glass of water when you're feeling tired isn't a bad thing and can boost your energy.

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