Foot Ulcers in Diabetes: An Easy Guide for Diabetics with 5 Practical Tips to Prevent Foot Ulcers | Health
diabetes prevalence India Although it has been steadily increasing since 1990 and particularly sharply since 2000, the 2023 ICMR INDIA B study by the Indian Council of Medical Research estimates that approximately 101 million people in India Diabetes. India ranks second in the world in terms of diabetes prevalence and, alarmingly, about 57% of diabetic patients, or a total of about 43.9 million people, are undiagnosed. It is predicted that this number will increase to 27.5 million people.
diabetes related feet Complications pose significant morbidity risks due to social and economic factors. Additionally, delays in accessing health care exacerbate the problem, with many patients initially consulting informal health care providers.
Understanding Diabetes-Related Foot Ulcers
Dr Rajeev Premnath, a general laparoscopic surgeon and endoscopist in the Department of Minimally Invasive Proctology at Ramakrishna Hospital, Bangalore, said in an interview with HT Lifestyle: These wounds result from breakdown of the skin and tissue of the foot and ankle, often leading to infection. Foot ulcers can occur due to factors such as high blood sugar, poor circulation, neuropathy, and foot abnormalities. ”
He said: “Diabetes increases your risk due to associated complications. Untreated ulcers can lead to serious complications such as infection, abscess and gangrene, often requiring amputation. Conditions such as atherosclerosis and Raynaud's phenomenon may also increase your risk.In rare cases, ulcers may require evaluation for skin cancers such as squamous cell carcinoma. There are three types: venous ulcers occur in the lower legs, neurotrophic ulcers occur in diabetic feet, and arterial ulcers are caused by poor circulation.”
Influence of circulatory and neurological disorders on the development of foot ulcers
Dr Rajeev Premnath explained: “Diabetes can cause foot ulcers through a variety of mechanisms. Elevated blood sugar levels can induce nerve damage, reduce sensation in the feet, and impair the detection of injuries. Additionally, diabetes can reduce blood circulation. Coupled with a weakened immune system, even minor injuries or pressure from improper footwear can worsen ulcers.
She added: “Poorly managed diabetes increases the risk of infection, complicates treatment of ulcers and, if left untreated, can lead to serious consequences such as gangrene and amputation. Consistent foot care and effectiveness. Blood sugar management is very important to avoid diabetic foot ulcers. Other health conditions and factors that increase the risk of foot ulcers include heart disease, kidney disease, obesity, nerve damage, and alcohol. These include tobacco use.”
He suggested some practical tips for diabetic patients to prevent foot ulcers, and to reduce the risk of foot ulcers, especially for people who are susceptible to diseases such as diabetes, adhere to the following guidelines: He emphasized that it is essential to do so.
- Inspect your feet regularly to detect signs of inflammation, cracks, and skin thickening. If you are concerned about vision problems, use a mirror or ask a family member for help.
- Maintain foot hygiene by washing your feet daily with mild soap and warm water. Carefully dry between your toes and apply moisturizer to prevent dryness.
- Choose properly-fitting shoes and soft, moisture-wicking socks. Inspect your shoes for foreign objects or roughness before wearing them. If your socks become damp or sweaty, change them immediately.
- Cut toenails straight using a suitable tool such as nail clippers or an emery board.
- Consult a medical professional for help managing corns and calluses, as professional intervention may be necessary.
Podiatrists and specialists: essential for diabetic foot health
Dr. Rajeev Premnath says, “Physicians can help patients with diabetes, especially those with diabetes, by visually inspecting the feet, checking for infection, assessing sensation (or lack of sensation), vascular problems, assessing blood sugar control and the type of footwear used. Evaluate the patient's foot ulcer.'' With proper circulation and medical care, it can heal in 3 to 6 weeks, but deeper ulcers can take 12 to 20 weeks and may require surgical intervention. ”
He says, “Lifestyle modifications to effectively manage diabetes are critical to promoting foot health. A balanced diet, regular physical activity, and careful blood sugar control. By integrating monitoring and monitoring for foot injuries and infections, early stage patients can reduce their risk of complications and improve their overall health.”
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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