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Vaccines are a ray of hope against malaria, but the battle is just beginning

Vaccines are a ray of hope against malaria, but the battle is just beginning


Professor Sir Adrian Hill

Professor of Vaccinology and Director of the Jenner Institute, University of Oxford

After decades of development, R21 was approved by the World Health Organization last year, a historic moment. R21 is the first malaria vaccine to meet WHO's stringent efficacy criteria of 75%. While this data is very encouraging, we face formidable challenges in scaling up production to meet demand and ensuring fair and widespread distribution.

Although a variety of vaccines are currently being administered to children in Africa to protect against a myriad of deadly diseases, malaria presents a uniquely complex case. Unlike many existing routine immunizations, it requires multiple doses and a customized regimen that includes a four-dose schedule to maximize effectiveness. R21's thermal stability is a major advantage, as storing vaccines at the right temperature can also be a major logistical challenge.

Overcoming these barriers requires innovative solutions and a concerted effort by governments, NGOs, and the private sector. That's why a long-standing partnership with the Serum Institute of India was essential to his development of R21. An effective vaccine with high impact also needed to be 'fit for purpose' in terms of meeting manufacturing and distribution requirements. But as we look to the future, we see that our mission is far from over. It is clear that next-generation vaccines are essential, which is why our partnership continues.

Currently, our development program and work at the University of Oxford continues successfully, with new candidates targeting all three stages of the parasite life cycle being tested in Africa. The development of such combination vaccines would further increase efficacy and integrate transmission-blocking vaccines, which is critical to the ultimate goal of malaria eradication.

However, it is also important to recognize that while vaccines are an important tool in the fight against malaria, they are not a panacea. Efforts should be strengthened to maintain insecticide-treated bed nets, vector control programs, and surveillance activities, and to complement vaccination efforts, especially as climate patterns threaten to exacerbate vector-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue, and chikungunya. there is.




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