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Oh my, is COVID going around again?

Oh my, is COVID going around again?


“It's been happening more and more over the last couple weeks,” Austin Public Health Official Desmar Walks said in a discouraging video call last week.

Austin is seeing a slight increase in COVID-related emergency room visits and hospitalizations. Statewide Examples It is gradually increasing.

And speaking from personal experience, it seems like everyone's been infected with something this summer: A r/Austin Reddit post about the coronavirus outbreak prompted hundreds of comments from locals suffering from runny noses and sore throats.

Austin resident Samantha Keel was diagnosed with COVID-19 for the third time last weekend.

“It felt like an allergy on steroids and the fatigue was terrible,” she said in an email.

One day, I was shocked to arrive at the KUT office to find two desks empty because my colleagues had gone off to recuperate.

But can we really say that COVID-19 is the cause of the flu-like symptoms we’re seeing?

At-home COVID-19 test kit.

Michael Minasi


KUT News

Home testing makes it difficult to assess the spread of infection in the community.

Austin stopped reporting COVID-19 cases in March and has been slow to do so thanks to at-home testing. It's hard to paint an accurate picture It is unclear how widespread the virus is in our community. Outside of emergency room anecdotes and data, it is difficult to tell whether it is COVID, the common cold, or a respiratory illness that is spreading widely. Saharan dust arrives in Austin.

Walks said people believing they have a non-COVID illness could be contributing to the increase in emergency department visits.

“people [assume] “People go to gatherings with friends and family thinking they might have allergies or a cold, and that's how they spread the infection,” she says.

Walks said these summer gatherings tend to take place in air-conditioned rooms with poor ventilation to avoid the heat.

So what should you do if you start to feel unwell?

Walks recommends wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, and getting tested even if you think you have allergies if you have flu-like symptoms. He also recommends keeping booster shots up to date. Latest COVID Vaccine It is scheduled for release later this year.

If you test positive, stay home and relax. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guidelines If your symptoms improve and you have been fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication), you will be told you can return to your normal activities.

Because people may still be contagious after that, the CDC recommends taking extra precautions, such as wearing a mask and practicing social distancing, for the next five days.

Lucciana Choueiry contributed to this report.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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