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An obsession with “clean eating” can be harmful, and perfectionists may be at higher risk of taking it too far.

An obsession with “clean eating” can be harmful, and perfectionists may be at higher risk of taking it too far.


Clean Eating The diet has become increasingly popular in recent years. This eating style emphasizes consuming whole foods and avoiding processed foods (even minimally processed foods) as much as possible.

Given the How important is food? When it comes to health, you might think that the better your diet, the better your health will be, but as one clean eating influencer revealed, restricting your diet too much can be counterproductive to your health.

Instagram Influencer Alice Living recently Vacant Living opened up about how becoming a clean-eating influencer has negatively affected her health. In an interview with The Times, Living revealed that her restrictive diet, coupled with excessive exercise, took a serious toll on her health, leading to poor sleep, low mood and energy, impaired brain function and even irregular periods.

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Nutritionists test extreme 'clean eating' claims with poor results

The Livinging story tells us that focusing on achieving an unrealistic ideal of health – in this case, a perfect, healthy diet – can be all-consuming and “It's addictive.”An obsession with healthy eating “The perfect diet” It can also lead to orthorexia, an unhealthy obsession with healthy eating.

A disordered diet

Orthorexia has not yet been officially recognized as an eating disorder. However, experts in the field are expected to A statement was issued I agree that orthorexia is different from other eating disorders such as anorexia.

they again, Diagnostic Criteria Symptoms of orthorexia include compulsive dieting (undertaken in the belief that it will promote optimal health), an excessive fear of poor health if one stops dieting (accompanied by emotional responses of fear and shame), and An increasingly restrictive diet.

Orthorexia can affect many aspects of a person's life. include It affects your social life, your academic life, and even your work life. Physical effects – Can cause anemia, severe weight loss and malnutrition. Anxiety and guiltBe especially careful if you deviate from strict dietary restrictions.

Many factors The onset of orthorexia is thought to be related to a history of eating disorders or mental illness, lifestyle factors (such as frequent exercise), and social factors (such as excessive exposure to the media).

A person is keeping a food diary while a plate of healthy foods sits on a table nearby.
Perfectionism is associated with many eating disorders, including orthorexia. Shutterstock

People with certain personality traits, such as perfectionism, may also be at higher risk of developing orthorexia. Previous research is showing.


perfectionism Perfectionism is a personality trait characterized by an irrational desire for perfection. It has two overarching dimensions: perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic concerns.

Perfectionistic strivings involve a personal commitment to being perfect. Perfectionistic concerns involve a fear of being imperfect. Both of these aspects of perfectionism have been previously linked to development. Anorexia and bulimia.

Perfectionism too Related to orthorexiaAs our meta-analysis showed, when we looked at the available research, we found that both perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic concerns are associated with orthorexia.

But when it came to the likelihood of developing orthorexia, perfectionistic strivings emerged as the most important of the two dimensions, which is different from other eating disorders, according to the study. Perfectionistic concerns It is more strongly associated with the development of anorexia and bulimia.

The findings suggest that the factors that cause orthorexia differ from other eating disorders, and that orthorexia tends to be driven by a desire for the “perfect” diet or “perfect” health, rather than a fear of being imperfect.

Because there are no formal diagnostic criteria for orthorexia, it's difficult to know how many people suffer from it. But recent studies suggest that 55% of people who exercise regularly Young people with orthorexia are now Rely on social media With a lack of lifestyle and nutritional advice, there is a fear that orthorexia will become more common in the future.

Researchers and doctors face a huge challenge to keep up with these changes. It is clear that more research needs to be done to better understand orthorexia, prevent it, and help those who suffer from it.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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