CDC investigates Listeria outbreak across U.S., what to do with deli meats
new york – US health officials are investigating Deadly outbreak of Listeria food poisoningPregnant women, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems are advised not to eat sliced deli meat unless it is refried at home until piping hot.
of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention As of early Saturday morning, no food recalls had been ordered because it was still unknown what specific products were contaminated with the bacteria that is now responsible for two deaths and 28 hospitalizations in 12 states, meaning contaminated food may still be in circulation and consumers should consider their personal risk level when eating deli meats.
Federal Health Authorities Friday warning The number of cases is likely undercounted because people who are recovering at home are less likely to be tested, and for the same reason, listeria may be more widespread in states than just those where it has been reported, most of which are in the Midwest and along the US East Coast.
According to the CDC, New York has the highest number of cases with seven, while the deaths have been in Illinois and New Jersey.
Of those investigators were able to interview, “89 percent reported eating deli-sliced meat, with the most common being deli-sliced turkey, liverwurst, and ham. Meat was sliced in the delis at a variety of supermarkets and grocery stores,” the CDC said.
Additionally, samples taken from victims between May 29 and July 5 showed that the bacteria were closely genetically related.
“This information suggests that sliced deli meat is the likely source of this infection; however, at this time CDC does not have enough information to say with certainty which deli meat is the source of this infection,” the agency said in a statement on its website Friday.
Listeria infections typically cause fever, muscle aches, fatigue, and may also cause neck stiffness, confusion, loss of balance, and seizures. Symptoms may appear soon after consuming contaminated food or up to 10 weeks later.
It can usually be diagnosed by testing body fluids such as blood, and sometimes urine or spinal fluid. According to the Mayo Clinic.
According to the CDC, Listeria infections are especially dangerous for people over 65 and those with weakened immune systems. Victims in this outbreak ranged in age from 32 to 94, with an average age of 75.
In pregnant women, listeria can increase the risk of miscarriage – one victim of the outbreak was pregnant but did not miscarry, authorities said.
According to the CDC, infections that are confined to the intestines (intestinal listeriosis) can often be treated without antibiotics. For example, if you have diarrhea, you may need to drink extra fluids.
But if the infection spreads beyond the intestine (invasive listeriosis), it can be extremely dangerous and is often treated with antibiotics to reduce the risk of blood infection and brain inflammation, according to the Mayo Clinic.
So far, there are no indications that prepackaged deli meats have made people sick, and at-risk people who already have deli slices in their refrigerator can kill them by reheating them. “Refrigeration will not kill Listeria, but reheating these meats before eating will kill any bacteria that may be present on them,” the CDC says.
This isn't new advice: The CDC says it has always recommended that people at high risk of listeriosis avoid eating sliced meats from delis, or cook the meat until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit (74 degrees Celsius) or is steaming hot before eating.
Some products implicated in past Listeria outbreaks cannot be reheated, of course. For decades, Listeria infections have led to voluntary and mandatory recalls. cheese, Bean dip, milkmushroom, Packaged saladand ice cream.
The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Science Education Media Group. The AP is solely responsible for all content.
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