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Turn off Netflix and take the stairs: aim not just to live longer, but to die healthier | Robin McKee

Turn off Netflix and take the stairs: aim not just to live longer, but to die healthier | Robin McKee
Turn off Netflix and take the stairs: aim not just to live longer, but to die healthier | Robin McKee


PThe possibility of extending lifespan has generated some shocking headlines in recent weeks: “Fascinating drug extends lifespan in mice while preserving youthful appearance.” Times “Anti-aging drugs are the 'Holy Grail' in the fight against cancer,” Telegraph.

This agent also Media acclaim An antibody that blocks the action of the inflammatory chemical IL-11. The only wonder anti-aging drug that has been talked about in recent months. The researchers announced By getting the two types of immune cells in the right balance, the researchers were able to make older mice more resistant to viral infections and extend their lifespans, following another study last year that showed injecting older mice with the drugs dasatinib and quercetin extended their lifespans. Rejuvenating the hearts of mice And it makes them less vulnerable.

This is very encouraging. Medical science has clearly advanced and lab mice are living longer. However, there are some caveats. First, translating results from rodent studies to humans is an incredibly difficult task. One example is the drug fialuridine, which was developed in the 1990s to treat hepatitis B. Although the drug worked well in mice (and rats, dogs, and primates), it caused liver failure in human studies. 5 people died as a result.

It remains to be seen how therapies that block the action of IL-11 will fare when the results of human trials are published, but Ilaria Bellantuono, professor of musculoskeletal ageing at the University of Sheffield, emphasizes this point. “The problem with all these interventions is the lack of evidence in patients,” she argues. “Trials are ongoing in the US, but there are scientific hurdles to overcome before these interventions can be used in patients, such as figuring out who will benefit from them. All drugs have side effects and associated costs.”

In any case, a growing number of scientists are questioning the sole pursuit of extending human life span and are of the opinion that the primary goal of aging research should be to address healthspan rather than longevity. In other words, rather than simply striving to extend life span, we should pursue the specific goal of extending life span while remaining independent, free from chronic disease, and wealthy enough to live a fulfilling life.

It's a point summed up by Susan Howlett, professor of pharmacology and medicine at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada: “Who wants to extend their life if they're going to feel so bad they can't enjoy it? Something's going to get you eventually. We all know that. What you should really be afraid of is the long-term disability that will get you there.”

It's an approach to aging that's perfectly summed up in the answer to the age-old question, “What's the best way to die?” Getting shot by a jealous lover when I'm 85 remains my favorite answer.

Or, as Howlett puts it, we should aim for the simple goal of dying healthy: “We want to spend most of our later years in life as healthy as possible. That should be our primary aim.” A glance at UK demographics shows the importance of this approach: life expectancy Stagnant In the UK, the number of people living to a relatively old age is rapidly increasing. In 10 years' time: Approximately 13 million people In the UK, people aged 65 and over will account for more than a fifth of the population.

This is a stark contrast to the situation in the UK just a few decades ago, when people beyond retirement age were a clear minority. 5.3 million people Those aged 65 and over make up just 10.8% of the total population.

From this perspective, it is clear that older people need to be healthy and have the ability to enjoy life to the fullest, not only for their own sake, but also to avoid becoming a burden on the relatively younger remaining segments of society that are shrinking as the population ages.

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So we need to prepare for a society where older people function. Think of this as a movement to live healthily. Of course, achieving this ambitious goal is key.

Dr Richard Siu, director of ageing research at King's College London, argues that the crucial factor is mental health: “We need to start preparing for the onset of ageing in midlife by walking rather than taking the bus, taking the stairs rather than the lift, avoiding stress, adopting healthy sleep patterns, not watching Netflix until 3am, eating well and being mindful of how we use social media.”

“We need to approach retirement with a healthy mindset, otherwise retirement will be a heavy burden for many people, leading to anxiety and depression. It doesn't have to be like that, but we need to think about this now to help people have a fulfilling retirement. That's the real problem of retirement we're facing today.”

Robin McKee is the Observer's science and environment editor.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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