Why many studies erroneously claim that drinking small amounts of alcohol is good for your health
Rigorous research has shown that even small amounts of alcohol can shorten your lifespan. Only those with serious deficiencies Moderate alcohol consumption is beneficialThat's the conclusion of a review of 107 studies that looked at how drinking alcohol affects the risk of dying from any cause at a particular age.
“People need to be skeptical of the claims that the industry has been peddling for years.” Tim Stockwell “They clearly have a strong interest in promoting their products as not cancer-causing but as life-prolonging,” said researchers from the University of Victoria in Canada.
Stockwell says people should be told that while the risks of moderate drinking are small, it's not beneficial. “It may not be as dangerous as a lot of other things, but it's important that consumers are aware,” he says. “I also think it's important that manufacturers inform consumers of the risks through warning labels.”
The best way to assess the effects of alcohol is to randomly assign children to drink or not drink during childhood and then observe their behavior later in life. health And whether they will continue to drink alcohol for the rest of their lives. Such studies are not possible, so researchers instead need to ask people about their drinking habits and follow them over shorter periods of time.
By the 2000s, a number of such studies had been done, suggesting that the relationship between alcohol consumption and risk of death at a given age follows a J-shaped curve: drinking a little alcohol slightly reduces your risk of dying from any cause compared with a non-drinker, but as you drink more alcohol, your risk increases sharply.
Stockwell says he was convinced the science was well-established at the time, but he and other researchers have since Such studies have serious flaws.
The main problem is that we often don't compare ourselves to people who have never drunk alcohol. alcohol There aren't many studies that compare people who have stopped drinking to those who still drink; most studies do. People who stop drinking, especially later in life, often have health problems, Stockwell says, so moderate drinkers appear healthier by comparison.
Although some studies claim to compare current drinkers to “never drinkers,” the definition of the latter group often actually includes occasional drinkers, Stockwell says. For example, one study defined people who consumed up to 11 drinks a year as lifetime abstainers.
“In our opinion, the majority of research has not addressed this potential source of bias,” Stockwell says, “To be clear, people have tried to address this, but we don't think they've done so adequately.”
In fact, his team found that of 107 studies they reviewed, only six adequately addressed these sources of bias, and none of those six found any risk reduction with moderate drinking.
” [high-quality] “The research suggests a linear relationship,” Stockwell says. “The more you drink, the higher your risk of heart disease. Our study looks at total mortality, and it's clear that heart disease is the main issue.”
The review says that it is very clear that lower quality studies are more likely to suggest a beneficial effect. Duane Mellor At the British Dietetic Association.
But he points out that this doesn't take into account the social aspects of moderate drinking. “While it's healthier to socialize without drinking alcohol, the benefits of spending time with other people are likely to outweigh the risks of consuming one or two units of alcohol,” he says. “Perhaps the challenge is to limit alcohol intake in this way.”
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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