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Excessive belly fat or arm fat may increase risk

Excessive belly fat or arm fat may increase risk


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Research has found that excess fat in certain parts of the body may increase the risk of dementia and Parkinson's disease. LaylaBird/Getty Images
  • Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are on the rise worldwide.
  • Research suggests that obese people are at higher risk of developing both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
  • Now, research has found that where the excess weight is located may have a bigger impact, with high fat levels in the upper arms and abdomen increasing the risk of both conditions.
  • The researchers suggest that improving body composition may help reduce risk.

The number of people living with neurodegenerative diseases is growing rapidly. 2022 Analysis It is estimated that by 2050, approximately 153 million people worldwide will suffer from dementia. Parkinson's disease is Second most common Neurodegenerative diseases, Affects more than twice as many people In the 1990s, the numbers increased, and in 2016, more than 6 million people were living with the disease.

Part of the increase is due to longer life spans, but studies suggest other factors, e.g. obesity and Lack of physical activity There may also be an increased risk of developing dementia. obesity and Lack of physical activity Your risk of Parkinson's disease also increases. In contrast, maintaining a healthy weight and exercising can Mitigate the risks.

Now, UK Biobank It turns out that it's not just excess weight that influences the risk of neurodegenerative disease, but also where that weight is carried on the body.

In a study published in the American Academy of Neurology's medical journal Neurology, researchers suggest that excess fat in the abdomen and upper arms may increase the risk of these diseases, while increased muscle mass may lower the risk.

“Although this study used a large UK Biobank cohort study with comprehensive measurements and long-term follow-up, it was observational and most participants were white, limiting generalizability. The possibility of reverse causation and confounding factors needs to be considered, making the findings suggestive rather than definitive.”

— Ryan GlattCPT, NBC-HWC, director of the FitBrain program at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute in Santa Monica, Calif., and senior brain health coach, was not involved in the study.

The researchers analyzed data from 412,691 people who were followed for an average of nine years. During the study period, 8,224 people developed a neurodegenerative disease. The most common diagnosis was Alzheimer's disease, but some also developed other dementias and Parkinson's disease.

The average age of participants at the start of the study was 56. Researchers assessed body composition by measuring waist and hip size, grip strength, bone mineral density, and fat and lean mass.

People with excess abdominal fat (central obesity) and upper arm fat (fat concentrated in the arms) were found to be at higher risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases.

High bone density and fat concentration in the legs seem to lower the risk, and high muscle strength appears to protect against neurodegeneration.

These results are Previous researchThe study suggests that people with central and abdominal obesity are at higher risk of developing dementia.

another Analysis of several studies Weight gain, central obesity, and triceps skinfold thickness (a measurement of body fat in the upper arm) were all found to be associated with an increased risk of dementia.

“When you gain fat around your upper arms and abdomen, [neurodegenerative disorders such as] “Parkinson's disease is caused by inflammation, insulin resistance and cardiovascular health issues. However, these findings are associational and cannot definitively prove causation. There may be confounding factors that have not been adequately taken into account,” Glatt explained. Today's Medical News.

He also explained that while cardiovascular disease may mediate the link between body composition and neurodegenerative disease, the relationship is complex.

“Managing cardiovascular health is likely beneficial, but further investigation is needed to determine how changes in body composition specifically affect risk of neurodegenerative disease,” he added.

This study Previous research It has been found that increasing lean muscle mass may reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, and experts suggest that improving mitochondrial function in lean muscle may have a beneficial effect.

Study author Huan Song, M.D., Ph.D. Sichuan University Chengdu, China press release:

“This study highlights the possibility that improving body composition may reduce the risk of developing these diseases. Targeted interventions to reduce trunk and arm fat and promote healthy muscle development may be more effective in preventing these diseases than general weight management.”

But Glatt cautions that while increased muscle mass appears to be associated with a reduced risk of neurodegenerative disease:

“This may be due to improved metabolic health, reduced inflammation and improved vascular function, but it is unclear whether muscle mass directly reduces risk or whether it is simply an indicator of improved overall health and physical activity levels,” he said. MNT.

Although these findings are observational, they support previous research that maintaining a healthy weight and body composition is beneficial for brain health.

“Improving body composition through exercise, diet, and weight management […] “Neurodegenerative diseases. However, the direct impact of these interventions on neurodegenerative risk has not been fully established and such recommendations need to be considered as part of a broader health strategy,” Glatt advised.

and Growing Evidence We know that sedentary behaviour increases the risk of dementia, but the important point is that any kind of activity may help reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

This study is probably Exercises to build muscle mass It may be more effective than other forms of exercise in preventing such disorders.

by National Institute on Aging According to the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science (NIA), strength training once or twice a week can help you stay physically and mentally active as you age. This can include lifting weights, using resistance bands, or doing bodyweight resistance exercises like squats, push-ups, and yoga.

However, the NIA advises that as we age, incorporating any form of exercise into our lifestyle can:

“Any exercise is better than no exercise. Even a few minutes a day makes a difference, and small changes can add up to big improvements.”




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