Poor sleep is associated with metabolic changes in obese people

- A study in overweight people concluded that misalignment of the body clock is associated with increased metabolic risk factors.
- Research shows that these metabolic changes differ between men and women.
- Getting enough sleep and regulating your body clock could help reduce the negative health effects of being overweight or obese, researchers say.
Circadian rhythm is the 24-hour cycle that your body goes through every day.Biological clockThese cycles involve fluctuations in hormone and neurotransmitter levels and drive our daily sleep-wake cycles.
According to a recent study by researchers at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU): Being overweight or obese Whose Circadian rhythm Poor alignment can have a negative effect on your metabolism.
The findings, released on August 20th, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and MetabolismIt has been suggested that these adverse effects differ significantly between men and women.
The researchers say recalibrating our body clocks may be able to reduce some of the risks associated with being overweight or obese, but that more evidence is needed to determine whether this is effective.
Scientists have long sought to Good quality sleep It is essential for health. However, in modern society, many people Less Time I sleep better than ever before.
Research has also shown a strong connection between lack of sleep and weight gain.
for example, review The study concluded that short sleep duration was significantly associated with future risk of developing obesity, whereas long sleep duration was not.
Jacob Teitelbaum, MDThe board-certified internist and specialist in chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, sleep and pain explained why circadian rhythms are so important.
“The circadian rhythm is a very important 'orchestral conductor' for the body,” he told Healthline, “regulating the proper timing of hormones, the immune system, and many other functions.” Teitelbaum was not involved in the study.
Research has shown that misalignment of circadian rhythms, such as feeling awake when your body clock is telling you to sleep or eating when your body should be sleeping, is associated with reduced energy expenditure during the day.
In other words, people in this state of discord
But the relationship is complex, and researchers are still trying to understand exactly how misaligned body clocks and lack of sleep affect metabolic health.
For the latest study, scientists recruited 15 overweight women and 15 overweight men, measured their body composition and took blood samples.
We also assessed dim light melatonin expression (DLMO). Melatonin is an important hormone that helps maintain circadian rhythms. When the sun goes down and light levels drop, the brain produces more melatonin. When levels increase, people feel more sleepy.
DLMO measures when the release of melatonin begins in a dimly lit environment. Because melatonin release is a sign that your body clock is preparing to sleep, scientists use DLMO as a marker of the phase of your circadian rhythm.
The researchers measured the level of circadian misalignment by measuring the time lag between when melatonin began to increase and when the subjects fell asleep.
Study co-authors Dr. Brooke Schafera postdoctoral researcher in the Sleep, Health and Chronobiology Laboratory at the OHSU Portland Campus School of Nursing, explained why this is important:
“There is a time when your body starts signaling your brain to sleep, and trying to sleep close to that time can make it harder to fall asleep or reduce the quality of your sleep,” Schafer told Healthline.
After a week of study, the researchers found that misalignment of biological clocks had gender-specific effects.
Characteristics of a misaligned man:
- High levels of abdominal fat
- Elevated blood fats (triglycerides)
- Increased risk of metabolic syndrome
Characteristics of misaligned women:
- Your overall percentage of body fat will be higher.
- Increased blood sugar levels.
- Your resting heart rate increases.
Schafer said she was surprised by the gender differences. “These findings really highlight that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to maintaining healthy behaviors,” she said.
In particular, she said, “Sleep habits can affect blood sugar levels and Triglyceride levels It was very remarkable.”
This is important because people with high blood fats and blood sugar levels are at higher risk of heart disease.
These findings suggest that “circadian disruption not only promotes weight gain trajectories but may also lead to adverse health outcomes in a gender-dependent manner in individuals who are already overweight/obese,” the researchers wrote.
The researchers hope that optimizing circadian regulation may help reduce the risk of poor health, especially in people who are overweight or obese.
Schaefer said the team will continue to study the effects of circadian mismatches.
“Our next step is to look at sex-specific differences in health indicators in people who are more susceptible to extreme sleep problems, such as those who work night shifts,” she said.
The current study is small, so scientists need to conduct more research to confirm the results, but a growing body of research has shown that disrupting our body clocks can have negative health effects.
The good news is that with proper care, most people can regulate their body clock. Sleep habits.
This is because overweight people Metabolic disorders By working to regulate your circadian rhythm, Maintain a healthy weight That should still be the primary goal.
Dr. Chelsea Perryowner of Sleep Solutions in Westborough, Massachusetts, who was not involved in the study but is a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, offered these tips to get your body clock back on track:
- Maintain A consistent sleep scheduleEven on weekends.
- Expose Natural LightEspecially in the morning.
- Limit screen time and bright lights in the evening, as this will let your body know it's time to wind down.
- Gradually adjust your bedtime and wake-up time by 15 to 30 minutes each day to allow your body to return to its natural rhythm.
Dr. Cherilyn DavisDr. David G. Schneider, a board-certified pediatrician at Elliston Children's, who was not involved in the study, offers additional tips for optimizing sleep.
- Avoid anything that may disrupt your sleep, such as drinking caffeinated drinks before bedtime.
- Make your sleeping space comfortable, cool and dark.
- Nap or Exercise Going to bed late at night can make you feel less tired and disrupt your circadian rhythm.
A new study concludes that people who are overweight and have out-of-sync body clocks may be at higher risk for metabolic disease, but the authors hope that getting their circadian rhythms in order may help reduce these risks.
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