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World Alzheimer's Day: International survey finds 80% of people believe dementia is a normal part of ageing

World Alzheimer's Day: International survey finds 80% of people believe dementia is a normal part of ageing
World Alzheimer's Day: International survey finds 80% of people believe dementia is a normal part of ageing


Dementia is a general term for several diseases that affect memory, other cognitive abilities and behavior, significantly interfering with the ability to maintain activities of daily life.

Dementia is a general term for several diseases that affect memory, other cognitive abilities, and behavior, significantly interfering with the ability to maintain activities of daily living. | Photo credit: File photo

A global survey by Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) has revealed a shocking fact that 80% of the public mistakenly believe that dementia is not a medical disease, but a normal part of ageing.

Dementia is a general term for several diseases that affect memory, other cognitive abilities and behavior, significantly interfering with the ability to maintain activities of daily life.

“World Alzheimer's Report: Changing Global Attitudes towards Dementia 2024” The results of the survey, commissioned by ADI and conducted by the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), were released on Friday, September 20, ahead of World Alzheimer's Day on September 21.

The survey of 40,000 people across 116 countries, including India, revealed that stigma around dementia is worsening even among health professionals.More than 3.8 million people in India have dementia and this number is expected to rise to more than 11.4 million by 2050, a 197 percent increase.

Key findings

Key survey findings show that 80% of the general public still believe that dementia is a normal part of ageing, a dramatic increase from 66% in 2019. What's more, a shocking 65% of health and care professionals also believe that dementia is a normal part of ageing, up from 62% in 2019.

The survey found that 88% of people with dementia said they have experienced discrimination, up from 83% in 2019. “Furthermore, 31% of people with dementia have avoided social situations due to concern about others' reactions, and 47% of carers have stopped accepting invitations to visit family and friends. Most respondents from the general public feel more confident in challenging dementia stigma and discrimination than in 2019, especially in high-income countries (64%), the report said.

Early diagnosis is important

Supporting the findings, PT Sivakumar, Professor of Psychiatry and Head of Geriatric Psychiatry Unit, Department of Psychiatry, NIMHANS, said the data, evidence and case studies in the report highlight the complex and persistent nature of stigma and dementia across the globe.

“The most significant challenge in dementia care is that a majority of the public and medical professionals believe that dementia is a part of normal ageing. This mindset prevents patients from seeking assessment and treatment at an earlier stage. Though degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's dementia are irreversible, promoting early diagnosis and intervention will go a long way in providing optimal care and support,” said Dr Sivakumar.

“Recent developments in biomarkers and approval of new disease-modifying drugs should contribute to a change in attitude towards early diagnosis. At NIMHANS, there are multiple research initiatives evaluating the role of biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease including PET amyloid imaging. The role that novel interventions such as non-invasive brain stimulation and integrative medicines can play in early intervention in dementia patients is being studied,” he said.

“Due to the size of the elderly population in India, a significant percentage of the dementia patient population is in India, and so there is a need for a change in attitude towards conducting clinical trials of new disease-modifying drugs in India,” the doctor explained.

Fighting Prejudice

Radha S Murthy, president of Dementia India Alliance (DIA), a non-profit family caregiver-led organisation, said there is a need to reduce the stigma around dementia and treat it like any other physical illness.

“Stigma around dementia exacerbates the problems faced by people with dementia and hinders efforts to provide care and support. There is also a need to spread awareness not just about diagnosis but also about management strategies that can improve quality of life,” she said, adding that the DIA is conducting screening activities and dementia training and awareness programmes in Bengaluru's slums.




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