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Australia's mpox surge: Experts 'remain cautious' as hundreds of new infections occur

Australia's mpox surge: Experts 'remain cautious' as hundreds of new infections occur


Important points
  • Mpox is on the rise in Australia, with more than 275 cases recorded in September as of Friday.
  • The virus was declared a public health emergency by the World Health Organization in August.
  • Experts say eligible people should be vaccinated.
Mpox has become increasingly prevalent in parts of the world over the past two years, but the number of cases in Australia remains low.
Now, that number has skyrocketed, with more than 600 cases reported this quarter, compared to just six in the first three months of this year.
The virus was declared a public health emergency by the World Health Organization in August, and experts say people at risk of infection need to remain vigilant.

Here's what we know:

mpox is on the rise in Australia, should we be worried?

According to the government's National Notified Disease Surveillance System, as of this writing, 748 cases have been reported in 2024. A total of 26 cases occurred in 2023.
New South Wales and Victoria have the highest number of infections, with 407 and 255 respectively. There have been 61 cases reported in Queensland, while 15 cases have been reported in the ACT.
South Australia and Western Australia have reported seven and two cases respectively, while the Northern Territory has one case. Tasmania is the only jurisdiction with no incidents.
CSIRO health and biosecurity virologist Dr Nias Penn said the rise in cases was not cause for panic, but it should be taken seriously.
“I think that's something Australians should be concerned about, but there's no need to panic,” he said.

“Please continue to remain vigilant and be aware of the symptoms and how it can be transmitted and spread between people.”

Mr Peng said he believed the virus was being underestimated in Australia.
“Right now, the common understanding among the people seems to be that it's not a big deal,'' he said.
“But it is wrong to assume that…because doing so will ultimately lead to a massive spread of the disease among the population.”
Dr Matt Mason, a nursing lecturer at the University of the Sunshine Coast, said access to healthcare could also be an issue for some people in the community who are at risk of infection, such as men who have sex with other men. said.
“What we're seeing is an increase in mpox in certain populations, and this population is being marginalized,” he said.

“Although most people have been vaccinated if they had a good relationship with their health care provider, there is a significant proportion who have not because of a lack of trust in the health care system.”

She said some people may not feel comfortable seeking medical care or a vaccine if they have had a bad experience with the health care system in the past.
“We have a vaccine available here in Australia and we have a very good sexual health network, but the challenge is getting people access to it,” he said.
“In particular, groups of men who have sex with men have not been given enough consideration by the health system in the past, so there is some stigma, especially if people don't identify as gay. I don't feel that way.'' I fall into that category. ”
As of Friday, 275 mpox infections had been recorded in September, Australia's highest monthly record.
The majority of the 2,024 infected people are men, and only three women have been diagnosed.

Most of the new infections were acquired domestically, rather than people arriving from abroad.

Who should be vaccinated with mpox in Australia?

Eligible people can receive the mpox vaccine free of charge in Australia.
Vaccination is recommended for men who have sex with men, sex workers, and healthcare and laboratory staff at risk of exposure.

People who have close physical contact with an infected person or who have a weakened immune system are also considered high risk.

At-risk people planning to travel to countries with large outbreaks should be vaccinated 4 to 6 weeks before travel.
The best time to get vaccinated is before exposure to mpox.
Eligible groups can receive vaccinations for free without requiring a Medicare card.

Around 23,000 vaccinations have been administered in Australia since January, according to data from the Australian Immunization Register.

What is npox?

Mpox is a viral zoonotic disease that comes from the same family as the bacteria that causes smallpox.
Signs and symptoms include a characteristic rash or lesions, swollen lymph nodes, headache and fever, muscle and joint pain, back pain, chills, and fatigue.
The virus can be transmitted through close or prolonged physical contact, skin rashes, body fluids (including droplets from coughs and sneezes), and close contact with contaminated objects such as linens and towels.
Symptoms usually subside within two to four weeks for most people, but some people develop severe symptoms.
There are two main variants of mpox. clade 1 and clade 2. Clade 1 usually causes more severe disease, while clade 2 is a less serious infection.

The Australian case is a clade 2 variant.

Associate Professor Oyelola Adegboye, from Charles Darwin University's Menzies School of Health Research, said while the Australian variant was less serious than some overseas, it should be taken seriously.
He said anyone at risk of contracting the virus should get vaccinated.
“I don't think this disease will ever end…Epidemics will occur intermittently. That's why people at risk and those working in the (health) sector should prepare by getting vaccinated,” he said. said.
“If 1b were to occur in Australia, it would be very concerning because it is highly contagious and serious.”
MPOX was declared a global health emergency in August after a new strain, called clade 1b, began spreading from the Democratic Republic of the Congo to neighboring countries.

The strain is believed to be deadly and highly contagious, but it is not believed to have reached Australia yet.




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