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Is gabapentin addictive? Misuse, dependence, etc.

Is gabapentin addictive? Misuse, dependence, etc.


Gabapentin is unlikely to cause dependence, but under certain conditions it can lead to dependence and misuse. Therefore, doctors prescribe gabapentin carefully to avoid withdrawal symptoms and other unpleasant effects.

Gabapentin is an anticonvulsant drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to manage seizures. epilepsy in adults and some children. Also recognized as a therapeutic drug neuralgia For adults after herpes zoster. medicine is also prescribed Not applicable For other conditions, Hot flashes.

Gabapentin belongs to a class of drugs called gabapentinoids. The brand names of gabapentin are Horizant, Glarize, and Neurontin.

Gabapentin can cause side effects, but dependence is rare.

This article discusses gabapentin's potential for misuse, addiction, and dependence, and how gabapentin compares to opioids.

Scientists believe that gabapentin generally does not addictive. The results of several studies indicate that gabapentinoid drugs themselves are not addictive. A 2021 paper shows that gabapentin remains unplanned It is recognized as an addictive drug at the federal level.

However, according to some people, 2017 reviewpeople with present or past Substance use disorder (SUD) There is a risk of gabapentinoid toxicity. (SUD is the repeated use of a substance despite experiencing unwanted effects.)

In this review, scientists examined previous studies to determine the addiction risk of two drugs in this class, gabapentin and pregabalin (lyrica).

The reviewed studies suggest that the risk of gabapentinoid toxicity is very low in people without current or past SUD. The risk was highest for people who Opioid use disorder (OUD) People who took pregabalin.

The reviewers recommend that, if possible, medical professionals should avoid prescribing gabapentinoids to people with a history of SUD.

Gabapentin misuse

there is a possibility abuse of gabapentin. Misuse refers to taking a drug in a way other than a doctor's prescription, such as increasing the dose. It is unclear whether gabapentin has been misused. clinical trialbut there were reports after this drug became available.

in 2020 reviewthere have been reports of gabapentin misuse in patients with SUDs, including OUD (previously called opioid abuse).

If you have questions about gabapentin toxicity or misuse, ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information. They can explain the potential risks and benefits of taking gabapentin.

Addiction is not the same as addiction. When you have an addiction, your body needs the drug to function normally. Even when taken as directed, long-term use of many substances, including prescription drugs, can lead to addiction.

Addiction can make it difficult to stop taking drugs. In addition, withdrawal symptoms may occur if gabapentin is suddenly discontinued after being taken for a long period of time. For more information on this, see Does Gabapentin Cause Withdrawal Symptoms? Later in the article. )

In contrast, drug addiction involves behavioral changes. It refers to feeling unable to stop taking drugs, even though it may cause harm.

Some people, such as medical professionals, may use a term as follows: explain The other one. However, these conditions not the same. A person can be dependent on a substance without becoming addicted, and vice versa.

If you have any questions or concerns about gabapentin dependence, please consult your doctor.

Scientists are still studying exactly how gabapentin works. they believe it stops seizures reduce Abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Blocking may also treat neuralgia pain signals From the brain to the spine.

opioid work By binding to and activating opioid receptors, nerve cells. (A receptor is a type of protein.) Opioid receptors are located in many parts of the brain, spinal cord, and other organs. Activated receptors block pain signals from the brain. Nerve cells also release large amounts of chemicals called . dopamine in your body.

Your doctor may prescribe gabapentin as an alternative to or along with opioids for certain conditions, such as: chronic pain. However, both drugs may reduce symptoms. breathing rate As a side effect. If taken together, it may cause the following symptoms: serious, life-threatening breathing problems. Opioids can also cause symptoms in your body, such as: absorb Also gabapentin.

If your doctor recommends gabapentin for your condition, be sure to take it as directed by your doctor. Whether prescribed alone or in combination with opioids, closely monitor for breathing problems, such as slow or shallow breathing. For more information about gabapentin side effects, see below. This article.

Here are some common questions people ask about gabapentin.

Does gabapentin cause withdrawal symptoms?

Gabapentin is sometimes cause Withdrawal symptoms that appear in people who suddenly stop taking the drug. Withdrawal symptoms are unpleasant side effects that can occur when your body suddenly stops taking a drug to which it is physically dependent. See “What is gabapentin dependence?” Click here to learn more about drug addiction.

Withdrawal symptoms include:

To reduce the risk of withdrawal, you and your doctor will periodically reassess your need for gabapentin. If you decide to stop taking gabapentin, your doctor will slowly reduce your dose over time. This is usually done over a minimal period of time. 1 week.

For more information on discontinuing gabapentin, see below. This article Or consult your doctor.

Is it safe to take gabapentin daily?

Yes, you usually take gabapentin at least once a day. The exact dosage and duration of treatment depends on several factors. These include the condition you are taking medication for, your age, etc. To find the recommended dosage for use with an FDA-approved drug, refer to the drug description. Prescription information.

If your doctor prescribes gabapentin Not applicablewill recommend the right dose for you.

Always follow your doctor's instructions when taking gabapentin.

A review of research studies shows that people with past or current SUDs are at increased risk of developing gabapentin dependence. If you currently have SUD or have had SUD in the past, talk to your doctor before taking gabapentin. They will recommend a treatment plan that is appropriate for you.

Taking gabapentin for a long time or frequently can lead to physical dependence. Please note that dependence and dependence are different conditions.

If you are addicted to gabapentin, you may experience withdrawal symptoms if you suddenly stop taking gabapentin. To avoid this, your doctor will gradually reduce your dose if you decide to stop taking it. Always follow your doctor's instructions and advice regarding gabapentin dosage and treatment plan.




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