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Can standing desks increase health risks? New research says you can go overboard – National

Can standing desks increase health risks? New research says you can go overboard – National


In recent years, the phrase “sitting is the new smoking” has warned office workers against being too sedentary, but new research suggests some people may be leaning too far in the opposite direction. It suggests that there is a sex.

Standing desks are growing in popularity in global markets cherished But new research warns against relying too much on them.

The study, led by the University of Sydney and published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, assessed the daily sitting and standing time of 83,013 UK adults. The study found that standing for more than two hours a day can lead to problems such as varicose veins, but that sitting for long periods of time does little to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Patricia Doyle-Baker, from the University of Calgary's kinesiology department, says, “People who stand for long periods of time in very static positions may have some type of problem related to their musculoskeletal system, or they may have problems with their legs and soles. Blood is pooling.”

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But Professor Doyle Baker said the study doesn't mean that standing desks are inherently bad for your health, but rather that standing desks are not inherently bad for your health, but rather that any position you hold for long periods of time, whether sitting or standing. He said this could have a negative impact.

Scott Lear, professor of health sciences at Simon Fraser University, said: The problem lies in sedentary behavior, or in other words, inactivity. ”

“Your posture is different from sitting,” he said. But, as this study showed, it also comes with risks, including heart disease and varicose veins. ”

Doyle Baker says, “This article isn't saying you don't necessarily have to stand at a desk, but think about standing at a desk for long periods of time.”

Mr Lear said standing users should be careful to avoid blood pooling in their feet and legs.

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“When it gets cold and immobile, some of the blood cells can split and form small blood clots,” he says. “What happens when blood travels up from the feet and lower extremities? It gets to our heart, passes through the lumen of the heart and goes to the lungs. And that little blood clot ends up in a blood vessel that's too narrow. Keep going and have fun until you get there.”

This can cause pulmonary embolism in some people, he said.

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So should you ditch your standing desk? Not completely. Sitting for long periods of time is still bad for you.

“Sitting for long periods of time can increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, and many other diseases,” says Dr. Lear.

So, if both sitting and standing can cause health problems, what solutions are there for health-conscious office workers? According to some experts says the answer may lie in height-adjustable sit-to-stand desks.

A 2020 paper published by the Center for Specialized Research in the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders (CRE-MSD) at the University of Waterloo states that sit-to-stand workstations can reduce pain issues for some users. People who suffer from conditions such as herniated discs in their spine may benefit from a sit-stand desk.

“Sit-to-stand workstations may be effective for some people in reducing musculoskeletal discomfort, particularly lower back pain,” the paper says.

This paper recommends adopting a 1:1 ratio for office users. This means that if you work an 8-hour day, you ideally sit for 4 hours and stand for 4 hours. But it depends on how you divide your time.

Jack Callahan, one of the paper's co-authors from the University of Waterloo, said: And don't stand for more than 15 minutes in a row. ”

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Pros and cons of standing desks at work

Doyle Baker said some people may benefit from something called the “20-8-2 rule.”

“Sit for 20 minutes, stand for eight minutes and move for two minutes,” she said.

If you don't have a standing desk or a height-adjustable standing desk and don't want to spend the money, Leah says it can be incorporated into your daily routine to get some movement every 20 to 30 minutes. .

“If you're working from home, it might be going upstairs, doing laundry, or just walking around,” he says.

If you're in an office, small things like taking regular breaks in front of the coffee machine or water cooler may help.

“I like to encourage people to set an alarm or something on their phone so it goes off after 30 minutes. You can also have your watch go off when you're not moving around,” he says. I did. “Our joints like to move, and when they move, they lubricate.”

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Callahan said the most sedentary times often occur after work, not during work.

“[Sometimes]it's not what you're doing at work. It doesn't matter if you spend an hour in your car or four hours on the couch, it's still the same thing you're doing outside of work,” he says. said.

If possible, Callaghan recommends ditching your car every once in a while and using active transportation options like public transit or cycling.

Doyle Baker said a sit-stand desk might be a good idea for your home office.

“I think everyone can benefit from sitting and standing situations,” she said. “I think standing desks are here to stay.”

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