Doctor explains why now is the time to get the flu vaccine – Irish Times
Have you had the flu? vaccine still? I got it last week. There was a little pain when the needle was inserted, but there was almost no swelling or pain afterwards.
If you have a chronic medical condition or are age 65 or older, you may be eligible for a free flu vaccine. Now is the time to get infected before the first wave of influenza hits.
During the 2022-2023 influenza season, more than 4,500 people aged 65 and older were diagnosed with influenza. Nearly 1,800 people were hospitalized, 70 required ICU treatment, and 159 died. Among older adults, those 85 and older are more likely to be diagnosed with influenza and more likely to be hospitalized.
Even if you get the vaccine, there is no guarantee that you will not get the flu. The effectiveness of vaccines varies depending on age. However, if you have been vaccinated, your symptoms may be less severe.
A pan-European study found that vaccine efficacy was significantly lower in adults aged 65 and over (34%) compared to adults aged 18 to 64 (51.6%), with highest efficacy observed in children under 18. observed (57.7%).
In response to the declining effectiveness of standard influenza vaccines, 10 European countries are offering enhanced influenza vaccines to some or all older adults free of charge. Review made by Medical Information and Quality Authority (Hiqa) found that these enhanced flu vaccines are only free for certain groups, such as people over 75 and people living in care homes. The most common fortified vaccines offered in European countries are high-dose vaccines, followed by adjuvanted vaccines. The use of an adjuvant means adding a non-viral substance to the injection, which increases the chance that the immune system will respond to the vaccine.
In Hiqa's recent Health Technology Assessment (HTA): Ministry of Health Although no serious side effects were detected with the use of the fortified vaccine, some mild side effects such as headache, pain at the injection site, and fever were more common with the use of the fortified vaccine. Although it is a vaccine, it is usually mild and short-lasting.
The term influenza originated during the Italian Renaissance, when influenza epidemics were thought to be due to the influence of certain planetary alignments. There are three types of influenza viruses: influenza A, B, and C, and within each type there can be countless subtypes.
All viruses can mutate. They change their genetic makeup in response to changing environmental conditions. The influenza virus is particularly good at this, which also explains why you can get the flu multiple times and why you need to get vaccinated every year.
The influenza virus invades the cells of the human body by injecting spikes of its own cell wall into the cells of the respiratory tract. It then begins to multiply, using human cells as a new home.
The virus reaches the respiratory tract through airborne droplets from the coughs or sneezes of other flu patients.
The H and N nomenclature used to identify specific subtypes of influenza A refer to proteins on the surface of the virus. One, called neuraminidase (N), allows the replicating influenza virus to leave the cells it first invaded and spread throughout the body.
There are nine types of neuraminidase. The other is hemagglutinin (H), which has 12 basic types. It is the means by which the virus enters the host's cells.
The most common influenza viruses in recent winters were influenza A of the H1N1 and H3N2 subtypes.
Following Hiqa's HTA, an enhanced version of the jab appears likely to be used in the country's influenza vaccine program for over-65s next year.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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