Dental floss is an easy step to great health benefits
By taking small, consistent steps, you can significantly improve your oral health.
Virginia G. Carrillo, MD, BSDH, RDHI am a dental hygienist. UT Health San Antonio School of Dentistryshared valuable insights for anyone looking to enhance their oral care routine. What is her top recommendation? Floss regularly.
“Flossing can be uncomfortable at first, especially if your gums are tender due to inflammation or if you don't have a habit of flossing.” , and can significantly improve your overall health. said Carrillo.
When advising patients about flossing, Carrillo, an assistant professor and clinician in the Division of Periodontics and Dental Hygiene, emphasizes the importance of tailoring the approach to the individual's age and stage of life.
“As clinicians, we assess a patient's dexterity and comprehension level before recommending oral care tools,” she said. “There are many types of floss on the market, so it's important to help each patient find the one that fits their needs.”
thread floss
String floss is the most traditional flossing tool, and there are several brands on store shelves, but Carrillo says proper technique is more important than the type of floss you choose, and he recommends the C-shape technique. is recommended.
“C-shaped floss allows patients to move the floss up and down between adjacent teeth to remove plaque and food particles, a sticky biofilm that naturally forms on tooth surfaces.” said Carrillo.
To use the C-shape technique, take a forearm-length piece of floss and wrap one end around each middle finger. This allows your index finger and thumb to be free to guide the floss around your teeth. Starting at the back of your upper or lower jaw, gently slide the floss between your teeth in a C-shaped curve along the side of one tooth. Move the floss back and forth, bringing it under the gum line, then back up again. Repeat the same action on the adjacent tooth before removing the floss.
Carrillo said it's important to be gentle with your flossing. “Catching the floss between your teeth can damage your gums. The C-floss technique, like any new skill, takes time to learn and master,” she says. I did.
floss pick
For patients who have difficulty pinching or grasping objects or who struggle with using traditional floss, Dr. Carrillo may recommend floss picks over thread floss.
Dental floss picks are small plastic tools with curved ends that hold short lengths of floss in place, making them easy to hold. To use, the floss section must be pushed between the teeth using a gentle sawing motion. Once in place, gently move it up and down to remove plaque.
“What I'm trying to explain is that the gingival tissue or gums don't hug the dirty tooth, they pull away from the tooth until the bacterial plaque biofilm is removed,” Carrillo said. “Brushing your teeth is very important, but it cannot effectively remove plaque between the teeth.”
Bacteria that grow and colonize between teeth and on plaque below the gum line can lead to cavities, periodontal disease, dental infections, and other complications.
water flosser
“Patients with braces have an even harder time flossing because they have to fiddle around the wires and brackets of the braces,” Carrillo says. Dental implants, crowns, and other appliances can also make plaque and trapped food difficult to remove.
The water flosser is a tool Carrillo might recommend to patients who have trouble with other flossing methods. This device uses a pulsating stream of water to clean between dental instruments, between teeth, and within the gum line.
For patients with bridges or implants, Carrillo has found that using a water flosser in conjunction with another flossing method ensures that the surfaces between the teeth are thoroughly cleaned.
To properly use a water flosser, Carrillo recommends asking your dentist for a demonstration.
Be true to your teeth
“When you brush your teeth, you only clean 65% of the exposed surfaces,” he explained. Eddie M. Cortez, DDSprovider of UT Dental General Dental Clinic. “The remaining 35% comes from flossing, which cleans between the teeth that a toothbrush can't reach.”
Flossing helps remove plaque and protect the bone that supports your teeth. It also helps prevent periodontal diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis.
Cortez warns that periodontal disease is associated with symptoms such as: increased risk It can cause and contribute to the progression of more serious health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, but good oral hygiene habits can help.
“Flossing reduces the risk of cavities, gum disease, and even bad breath,” he said.
For those who have trouble remembering how to floss, Cortez offers some practical tips.
- Place the floss on your toothbrush or somewhere visible.
- Set a daily alarm reminder on your phone.
- Place sticky notes on your bathroom mirror as a visual cue.
“I've seen far too many patients who don't floss and end up paying more for flossing due to tartar buildup, bone loss, and tooth decay,” he says. “If you're not true to your teeth, they will lie to you. Floss every day.”
Learn more UT Dental General Dental Clinic Call us at 210-567-6453.
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