Which countries warn that alcohol can cause cancer?

The United States should heed Friday's call from the Surgeon General and put up cancer warning labels. alcoholwill join a small number of countries warning drinkers of the risks.
The World Health Organization concluded in 1988 that alcohol is carcinogenic to humans. I've said it for years The harms of alcohol are well documented. “No safe amount of alcohol consumption for cancer can be established,'' WHO announces. reported In 2023.
However, a group of researchers pointed out in a paper. study In 2020, only a quarter of countries around the world have mandatory health warnings regarding alcohol. Their language is generally vague and cancer warnings are rare.
The report by U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy included a summary of studies and reviews published over the past 20 years, including a global study involving 28 million people in 195 countries and territories. This study found that the higher the alcohol intake, the higher the risk of cancer.
Here are some countries that have linked cancer to alcohol, or are considering more aggressive labeling.
South Korea
South Korea is the only country that has a label warning against liver cancer. In 2016, the country introduced a series of mandatory labels on alcohol, including a warning about liver cancer.
However, manufacturers may choose to apply alternative labels to their products that do not mention cancer.
According to the WHO, South Korea has long ranked among the top countries in alcohol consumption. Sometimes I tried to take action It goes against the nation's drinking culture. For example, in 2012, Seoul police announced a crackdown About violence when drunk.
Starting in 2026, all containers of beer, wine, and other spirits will be labeled in capital red with the words “There is a direct link between alcohol and deadly cancer'' and “Drinking alcohol causes liver disease.'' is required. sold In Ireland.
According to the regulations, when signed in 2023, Ireland will become the first country to publicly require links between all levels of alcohol consumption and cancer. World Cancer Research Fund.
Ireland has long sought a range of proactive measures to curb alcohol use. In 2022, the country will minimum The country's public health minister, Stephen Donnelly, said the measures were aimed at “reducing serious illness and death from alcohol consumption and easing pressure on health services from alcohol-related conditions”. said.
Ireland has previously been at the forefront of other public health policies. In 2004, it became the first country to ban smoking in indoor workplaces, including bars and restaurants. Since its introduction, more than 70 countries have followed suit.
Initiatives in other countries
Norway is already very regulate Alcohol sales will be limited to beer sales until 8pm on weekdays and 6pm on Saturdays, and wine, spirits and “strong beer” will only be sold at state alcohol shops. However, in recent years this country has developing According to local news media, there was a proposal to include a cancer warning.
Thailand is also working on regulations that would require alcoholic beverages to have labels that include graphic images and warnings such as “Alcoholic beverages may cause cancer.” According to the Bangkok Post. industry association criticized the proposal.
Canada does not require cancer warnings on alcohol, but a bill would require labels stating the direct link. canadian A group of Canadian researchers attempted to study the effects of warning labels that mentioned cancer in 2017, but after complaints from alcohol industry groups, guided Local authorities asked for the study to be suspended.
In recent years, authorities have Canada, uk And several other countries support the idea that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption. Some governments in countries with high drinking rates are also moving to reduce consumption. including Russiathis effort has become one of the major goals of public health.
Loni Caryn Rabin and Ted Alcorn Contributed to the report.
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