Humans have a unique intestinal virus composition, like a fingerprint
According to a new study, the composition of enteric viruses in all fingerprint.. This study is the first to compile a complete database of microorganisms in the human digestive tract.
Researchers analyzed the gut of healthy Western people and showed that the microbial diversity present in childhood and old age reflects changes in life-long bacteria.
(Photo: YouTube)
Screenshot of Bacteria in digestion YouTube / FuseSchool-Global Education
Scientists at Ohio State University Intestinal virus database It is possible to identify 33,242 unique populations of viruses present in the human intestine. But most bacteria do not cause disease, so this finding should not cause any warning.
More scientists VirusThe more collections of viruses in the gut, the more they will be seen as part of the human ecosystem. Knowing the nature of the virus in the intestine provides a detailed understanding of the gastrointestinal symptoms caused by COVID-19.
Microbiological postdoctoral researcher and coauthor Olivier Zablocki provides information on how characterizing viruses that keep humans healthy can help design future treatments for pathogens that drugs and antibiotics cannot cure. I said.
Identify viruses in the gut
Researchers published their study in the journal on August 24th Cell host and microorganism.. This study aims to identify the diversity of viral populations in the human intestine.
Unlike the gut flora, the gut virus is difficult to find because it does not contain the common signature gene that the bacteria have. So far, it has been called dark matter because the vast sequence space of the virus has not yet been explored.
The team was able to identify 33,000 different virus populations, based on data from 32 studies 10 years ago that examined enteric viruses in 1,986 healthy sick people in 16 countries.
First author Anne Gregory said he used machine learning to identify unknown viruses against known viruses. Analysis confirmed that there was no core group of viruses common to humans, but a small population of viruses was shared by a small number of people.
Most of the viruses (about 97.7%) Phage Or a virus that infects bacteria. Most viruses drift around the environment until they find the host and kill it, but some viruses can coexist with the host and even benefit its survival, Gregory said.
Trend of virus population in the intestine
The researchers identified several trends during the analysis. For example, Western age affects the diversity of the viral population in the gut, increasing from childhood to adulthood and decreasing by age 65.
The composition is consistent with the diversity of intestinal bacteria found in infants. However, because the immune system is not well developed, the gut contains many different types of viruses, but few bacteria.
In addition, these non-Westerns have been found to have a higher diversity of enteric viruses than their western counterparts. Gregory pointed out that non-Western people tend to lose it Microbiota diversity It means that diet and environment influence the difference in willom as they emigrate to the United States.
“The general rule of thumb for ecology is that higher diversity leads to healthier ecosystems,” said Gregory. The more diverse the population of viruses and microorganisms in the gut, the more relevant they are to healthy individuals.
This has been truly tested on healthy people, who tend to have a high diversity of viruses, and can mean doing something beneficial to the human intestine.
read more: Scientists discover bacteria that eat metal and produce manganese oxide
Check out other news and information health Science Times.
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