Research reveals why honest people cheat
It’s always amazing when someone you think you’re honest finds fooled, whether it’s their partner, their career, or another form of personal gain Is that.
But new research has shed some light on what is usually happening in the brains of honest people.
A new study from the Rotterdam School of Business at Erasmus University (RSM) is generally postulated that it may influence a person’s decision to commit fraud, but that willpower (aka “cognitive Controlling)) has become clear) In psychology), not all people serve the same purpose.
In fact, the result is Minutes of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Cognitive control has made it clear that cheating, usually by honest people, is actually possible, while at the same time facilitating honest decisions by consecutive fraudsters.
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“Surprisingly, we found that honest participants needed more cognitive control to cheat.
In other words, if you usually have a good moral compass, it takes cognitive efforts to cheat, but don’t cheat if you aren’t thinking about bending the rules. You have to work hard
So it is not only the will (or lack thereof) involved in the wrongdoing decision, but also the moral default of a person.
To uncover these fraud revelations, researchers used MRI scanners to analyze how different areas of the brain promote fraud and integrity.
The research team used a visual search task to measure fraud, with participants showing image pairs and saying that there are always three differences between image pairs. However, in reality the difference did not always exist.
That is, if the participants pointed out three differences between the pairs, the researchers knew they were lying, although there were actually only one or two.
The more rewards you get for discovering the three differences, the greater the temptation to lie.
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The team also found that areas of the brain often associated with reward processing were more strongly activated against fraudsters during the decision-making process.
On the other hand, generally honest people showed higher activity in local networks related to what research authors call self-referential thinking. As a thought process characterized by continuously associating substances with oneself.
“These findings speak to the old question of whether people are core morals or immorals,” explains Martin Boxem. “The answer is, after all, “depending on the situation”: individuals are distributed along a continuum ranging from very honest to fraudulent.
“Cheaters need to exert their aspirational powers to upset their greedy tendencies, but honest people need to hinder their honesty to sometimes benefit from small lies. The role of willpower depends on one’s moral defaults.”
The research team hopes that a better understanding of the various neurocognitive processes that contribute to honesty or injustice of various individuals can be used to develop strategies to reduce injustice and strengthen public trust. I will.
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The findings come after further research released earlier this year. Gender differences between how men and women see different types of betrayal.
Research published in Journal of relationship research, We investigated the factors behind various types of infidelity and forgiveness.
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