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Why reinfection with COVID-19 gives researchers hope


This Hong Kong case is different. In both cases, the viral gene sequence was determined and the strains were different, indicating a genuine reinfection.

This is the first case of reinfection with another strain confirmed in the laboratory.

A man, 33 years old, was healthy when first infected. I had a cough, sore throat, fever and headache for 3 days.

On March 29, tests confirmed COVID-19 and he was hospitalized. After two negative swab tests, he was discharged on April 14.

He then went to Spain and returned via England. On August 15, he landed at a Hong Kong airport and underwent regular immigration and unexpectedly tested positive.

He was hospitalized again. In Australia, such persons are sent home for quarantine.

His case study, created at the University of Hong Kong, is in preprint format. Posted in Journal Clinical infection, Possibility of peer review and publication.

One question is whether he was infected a second time. He must have assumed, said the director of Tony Cunningham, a professor at the Westmead Medical Institute and the Center for Virus Research at the University of Sydney.

“But there is a good thing. They saw only antibodies, and with coronavirus we know that T cell (white blood cell) immunity can last for years. This is called immune memory.

“It allows T cells to respond faster to infections when you are reinfected than when they are new.

“It’s possible that the antibodies have disappeared, but if you have T-cell memory and are reinfected, the antibodies will develop rapidly and fight the disease.”

This male antibody disappeared after the first episode, but persistent T-cell memory protected him twice from the disease.

“Some people may say that this suggests that the vaccine won’t work, but it may indicate that the vaccine may protect against disease rather than infection. “Professor Cunningham says.

At Westmead, his department has been following T cell immunity with COVID 19 for two years.

“This case shows that even low levels of immunity can still protect you from the symptoms of the disease,” says Turner. Joe Armao

Stephen Turner, a professor of microbiology at Monash University, says the man’s “second reaction” is essentially set up for the immune system to function.

“That’s what we do with vaccines and why we sometimes use boosters to boost that level of immunity and prevent infection.”

“It shows that even low levels of immunity can still protect you from the symptoms of the disease.”

On Wednesday, two more patients were reported reinfected. A Belgian woman was infected in March and was infected in June.

The other was an older Dutch man with weakened immunity. The first report shows that both cases were genetically confirmed.

Some experts say that these are the only three cases of reinfection among the 24 million infected, so nothing can be inferred from them.

But this is rare or didn’t look enough, so are you only showing three?

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