Research suggests that children can carry coronaviruses to their airways for weeks
“In this series of case studies, invisible infections in children may be associated with silent COVID-19 infections in the community,” the researchers wrote in a new study.
“In this study, the authors estimate that 85 infected children (93%) would have been missed using a testing strategy that focused on testing symptomatic patients only,” they said. Wrote.
This newly released study adds more evidence as to why casting widenets on contact traces is an important strategy to mitigate viral spread.
“We know that children often show little or no symptoms of COVID-19, and that they are not immune to the virus and that they can be very ill. I know that testing exposed individuals who may not yet show symptoms of COVID-19 is that contact tracking identifies and supports other people at risk of infection. It helps,” said Dr. Sally Goza of AAP in a statement.
Difficult to diagnose
Of those patients, 20 (22%) had no apparent symptoms and remained asymptomatic throughout the study.
The other 18 children (20%) were presymptomatic. So, they didn’t look or feel good at the time, but eventually they did.
In total, more than half of the children (71 children or 78%) had symptoms such as fever, cough, diarrhea, abdominal pain, smell and loss of taste, among other symptoms. The duration of symptoms varies from 1 to 36 days.
“This suggests that even mildly to moderately affected children have long-lasting symptoms,” Deviaci and Delaney wrote in an editorial.
According to the data, only 8.5% of symptomatic patients were diagnosed with Covid-19 when they started. Most -66.2% of symptomatic patients had unrecognized symptoms before being diagnosed and 25.4% had symptoms after being diagnosed.
“This underscores the notion that infected children are more likely to go unnoticed with or without symptoms and continue normal activity, which may contribute to viral circulation within the community,” DeBiasi said. Delaney writes.
The virus remained in the respiratory tract
The study found that genetic material from the virus was detectable in children for an average of 17.6 days overall. The virus was detected in asymptomatic children on average for 14 days. The virus may have persisted in children for even longer because the date of the first infection was not specified, the study said.
But this does not necessarily mean that the children have spread the virus, experts say.
Moreover, “sensitive molecular detection methods not only detect viable infectious viruses, but they may also detect nonviable fragments of RNA,” DeBiasi and Delaney wrote.
Further research is also needed to determine if similar findings emerge among larger groups of children from other parts of the world.
Still, according to DeBiasi and Delaney, the new study provides information that public health officials can use when considering the spread of the virus in schools.
“A surveillance strategy that tests only symptomatic children will fail to identify those who are quietly shedding the virus while roaming their communities and schools,” they wrote. “In areas where face mask use is not generally widely accepted or used, asymptomatic carriers can act as important reservoirs that may facilitate quiet spread throughout the community. There is a possibility.”
AAP’s Goza Friday statement reinforced the need for systematic and widespread tracking.
“Without data and transparency, science and medical professionals are hindered-and families are harmed-information that will help us understand how this virus can easily spread to others and stop it. Is lacking,” she said.
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