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National Nutrition Week: Experts talk about undernourishment in women and children


On the first day of the National Nutrition Week, which occurs in India every September 1-7, various public health professionals should focus on the problem of undernutrition, hypernutrition or micronutrient deficiency in children and women. I said yes.

National Nutrition Week was started in 1982 by the Ministry of Women and Children’s Development to raise awareness about the importance of nutrition to the human body.

According to the Ministry of Health, 1 in 4 adults and 1 in 5 children in school are overweight in India, and a proper diet can control about a third of illnesses.

According to a 2017 UN report, malnutrition in India was 190.7 million, stunting 38.4% of children under the age of five in India.

“Despite launching a nutrition-focused development program specifically focused on children, such as Integrated Child Development Services 45 years ago, India still has malnutrition and malnutrition, stunting and wasting. “Is our family suffering from high intakes of refined foods and carbonated drinks?” said Kamal Narayan Omer, CEO of New Delhi’s Board of Integrated Health and Wellbeing (IHW). I am.

Omer said eating good eating habits and the right type of food can play a key role in reducing the burden on India of non-communicable diseases in adults.

“Imbalances need to be addressed urgently and we must work to find the right substitute for the food that is causing this nutritional imbalance in the most vulnerable parts of society.”

In addition to this, India has foods that are malnourished and unbalanced in the form of undernourishment, overnutrition, or micronutrient deficiency. Various other experts feel that the need for time is to encourage and provide a balanced and nutritious food for all, especially for women and newborns.

“We need to create nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive plans or interventions that bring benefits to the bottom of the pyramid and give vulnerable people access to positive actions, services and qualifications. Community Structure And service providers should be fully accountable. Early identification and management of malnutrition within the community is essential to address malnutrition.”

Another doctor obstetrics and gynecology consultant at Motherhood Hospital, Manisha Ranjang, said that another 100 million Indians were vulnerable to food problems after the pandemic, especially with women. I quoted Oxfam, who presumed to be a female-led household.

“In India’s patriarchal family structure children (especially girls) and women bear the brunt of this calamity. As the body prepares, women experience many hormonal imbalances, so soon after adolescence. It needs nutrients for menstruation,” added Langean.

Malnutrition perpetuates a vicious cycle of undernourishment between generations, low birth weight, increased susceptibility to infections, increased likelihood of growth failure, and reflected malnutrition and anemia in children. , Associate professor Sunil Rajpal said, Health economist, IIHMR University, Jaipur.

“Delhi predicts in a recent study by researchers at the Institute of Economic Growth that spending $1 on nutrition intervention in India can generate economic benefits of $19.35 to $22.21.” Is several times the global average, as is the importance of the task, as the blockade and economic downturn by Covid-19 are likely to push millions more into undernourishment,” Rajpal adds. It was.

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