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Immune reactions can be the cause of serious illness


Since the first appearance of the coronavirus, doctors and researchers have sought to understand why COVID-19 causes life-threatening illness in some patients, while others have only minor symptoms. I have worked hard.

Much of the hospital admission to the ICU is due to older patients or patients with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and asthma, yet none of the reports of healthy and sick people are explained.

Now, researchers believe that some of the most serious coronavirus complications can be caused by an excess of the immune system.

This is called a cytokine storm. It is the uncontrolled release of proteins that cause a large number of inflammatory reactions. This overreaction of the body’s natural immune defenses can cause havoc in vital organs.

“If I like the apartment building and one of the apartment rooms is on fire. It fires and sends a signal,” said Christopher Mori, Vice President of Healthcare Value at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Eights explains. “The reaction to that might be turning on the sprinkler. That’s the right reaction. It helps. But if a building turns on the sprinkler throughout the building, it will cause extensive damage and harm. The reaction was meaningful, but it was an overreaction.”

When a virus infects the lungs, white blood cells quickly attack the lungs, causing them to leak through the blood vessels, leading to increased body fluid. However, cytokine storms do not only affect the lungs. Immune cells often attack other organs, such as the kidneys, liver, and heart, causing inflammation.

These signaling cells also control the body’s coagulation function. That is, patients experiencing a cytokine storm are more likely to have a blood clot and are at increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

Doctors don’t know what causes a storm of cytokines in some patients, but researchers at the Yale University School of Medicine have identified biomarkers that may be early predictors.

“We found that patients with severe disease had elevated levels of certain cytokines early in the disease and within the first 12 days of onset of symptoms,” said Yale University School of Medicine. Biologist Akiko Iwasaki explains. “It correlated with mortality and length of hospital stay. So we know what those cytokines are. And who develops severe disease and who develops moderate disease? It can also be used as a biomarker to make predictions.”

Usually, this condition is rare, but experts say it may be the defining feature of severe and significant COVID-19 disease.

Although there is no proven cure for the coronavirus-induced cytokine storm, hospitals are closely monitoring patients to identify those at greatest risk of the complications it causes. Anyone who is treating COVID-19 symptoms at home should be carefully monitored for changes in symptoms.

Health officials tell you to call your doctor if you have shortness of breath or abdominal pain. If you experience dizziness, confusion, or severe nausea, seek immediate help.

Researchers are looking for treatments that prevent overstimulation of the immune system and target cytokine storms.

A potential treatment is not a cure for coronavirus, but will help reduce the number of deaths from COVID-19 and reduce the burden on the hospital until a vaccine is developed.


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