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Is it safe against seasonal flu? Experts analyze the need for the latest influenza vaccine


When the monsoon comes, we often deal with a variety of more susceptible monsoon-related illnesses. At the top of this list are seasonal flu or seasonal flu. According to the NCBI, 28798 people were infected with one seasonal flu (H1N1) in 2019 alone, and it remains a major threat to young children. Children under the age of five are three times more likely to get the flu in developing countries like India, with a 15-fold* fatality rate*. Timely flu vaccination is one preferred way to combat this problem. But first, let’s analyze what is seasonal flu and how it can affect you and your child.

What is seasonal flu?

Acute respiratory infections caused by the influenza virus, a case of seasonal influenza in our country, see spikes during the monsoon and winter. You may be infected with influenza throughout the year in this country, but the disease shows two peaks-the main peak during the winter (January-March) and the monsoon from August-October. A minor but significant peak in later seasons. Symptoms of seasonal flu include fever, cough (usually dry), headache, muscle and joint pain, severe malaise (not feeling well), sore throat, and runny nose. The disease usually recovers for a week or more, but a cough can last up to 2 weeks. However, cases of seasonal influenza can be severe and can be fatal to high-risk individuals. In 2019, 1218 people succumbed to H1N1 flu across India.

Fight against seasonal flu

Given the seriousness of the illness and the susceptibility of this disease to young children, doctors and specialists have all motivated people to better vaccinate for the flu season. The Indian Academy of Pediatrics Advisory Committee on Vaccines and Immunization (IAP ACVIP) should provide the latest available 4-valent/3-valent inactivated influenza vaccine regularly to all children from 6 months to 5 years of age. Is recommended.

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Why do children need the latest flu vaccine?

Influenza strains continue to evolve, outbreaks, and affect more and more people every year. What this means in essence is that your body may be equipped to deal with some types of flu, but the virus changes seasonally. To counter this, WHO has released information on the latest influenza strains in circulation and vaccinations have been created to combat this strain. This is the main reason why getting the latest killed flu vaccine is important to both your child and yourself.

How does the influenza vaccine work?

There are various myths and misconceptions about the consequences of influenza vaccination in India. As a result, many Indians evade this simple precaution. 2019 survey conducted by
IQVIA with Abbott Showed that 40% of people did not take the flu seriously, and among the high-risk individuals surveyed, 37% of pregnant women did not get the flu shot. This is especially troublesome because influenza is a preventable disease.

Essentially what influenza vaccination does is catalyze your own body’s immune response, by introducing a trace amount of the latest strains of inactivated influenza virus into your body, and thereby your or yours. It ensures that your child is immune to this disease. It has proven to be the safest way to combat this preventable disease and is therefore preferred by leading physicians throughout India.

Who is at risk of getting the seasonal flu?

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Seasonal influenza can affect everyone, so vaccines are a necessary precaution for all of us. However, there are four main categories of people at high risk of getting this virus. They are children aged 6 months to 5 years, older people (65 years and older), pregnant women (any stage of pregnancy), individuals with chronic medical conditions or disorders of the immune system. In addition to this, health care workers exposed to people fighting this virus are also very susceptible.

Fighting the flu season

As you get closer to the flu season, getting a flu shot is essential, and we recommend that you provide the latest available flu vaccine about two weeks before the start of the season. In addition to this, other basics we can follow to make sure we are safe from regular washing hands and avoiding touching the face like the flu virus Hygiene habits.

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Seasonal flu affects your respiratory system, so good respiratory hygiene such as covering your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, properly disposing of used tissue and contacting the influenza virus. Better to help contain the disease by ensuring early self-isolation if better.

If your child or family has not been vaccinated against the flu, call your doctor right now. It is always better to protect against preventable illnesses than to fight the full effect.

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This article was contributed by Dr. Sanjay Wazir of Cloud9 Hospital. Gurga. Dr. Wazier has over 20 years of practice and specializes in neonatal science. He was the Chairman of the CIAP Neonatal Department, Director of the Cloud9 Group NICU.


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The views and opinions expressed by doctors are the judgment of their independent experts and we do not take any responsibility for the accuracy of their views. This should not be considered a substitute for doctor’s advice. For more information, please consult your doctor.

This article was created by the Spotlight team at Times Internet on behalf of Abbott India’s Mothers Against Influenza initiative.


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