Fatigue and Headache in Children The Most Common Covid Symptoms-Research | Science
Fatigue, headache, and fever are the most common symptoms of coronavirus in children, they rarely develop a cough, or lose their taste or smell, and researchers have found a symptom checklist by age. Seeking.
NHS list Three symptoms as signs of Covid-19 For adults and children: high temperature, new persistent cough, loss or change of smell or taste.
However, the team behind it Covid symptom research app New data say the disease shows differently in children compared to adults.
Professor Tim Spector of London, King’s College, said he led the work: “We need to tell people about the main symptoms at different ages rather than fever, cough, and lack of smell.
The team’s latest findings are based on reports of symptoms in 198 children who tested positive for illness out of nearly 16,000 tested. Importantly, the team notes that the parents were able to test their own and at the same time test the child, which means that the child may have been tested without symptoms.
One-third of the positive children showed no symptoms, but many infections were asymptomatic, weighting other tasks, but the team showed different symptoms than adults. Said that it showed a set of.
Over half (55%) of symptomatic Covid-positive children were tired, 54% had headaches, and almost half had fever. About 38% of symptomatic children had sore throat, almost 35% skipped meals, 15% had an abnormal skin rash, and 13% had diarrhea.
In contrast, the team found that the most common symptoms in adults were fatigue, headaches, persistent coughing, sore throat, and loss of odor.
Specter said that about half of the children who were symptomatic on the test did not have any of the three major signs listed in the NHS.
“If you follow government advice, [symptomatic] “Infectious diseases,” he added, teachers and parents need to be aware that the virus can exist in different forms in children and adults.
“What we want to do here is not push [children] Test, but keep away from school [if they show symptoms],” He said.
Specter pointed out that some of the child’s symptoms overlap with those of the cold and can become increasingly problematic as winter months approach, while other symptoms such as skin rashes It was abnormal. Team claimed earlier Need to add a rash Add to your official list of symptoms and be aware that it also affects adults with Covid.
“It’s certainly as important as any other feature, and much more so in children,” he said. “One in six children [a rash] Often, it is the only sign, and most coughs, colds do not cause a funny rash [or] money. “
The difference in symptoms with age is probably the difference in how the immune system responds to the virus, Specter said, so the team could track the child’s symptoms with an app to help them quickly spot outbreaks in school. I am calling to parents.
Dr. Tom Waterfield of Queen’s University Belfast, who was not involved in the study, said the findings were false because of the following symptoms in his own study: Fatigue, headache, upset stomach Although common among Covid-19 children, coughing and other symptoms were less common than in adults.
Dr. Sanjay Patel, a pediatric infectious disease consultant at Southampton Children’s Hospital, warned that not all Covid children were found on the NHS checklist, but they could still find outbreaks in schools. Keeping children home based on the consequences of many different illnesses, and such symptoms, can be problematic.
“The harm of that approach is very obvious,” he said. “Many children have lost many schools, and most of the children being tested will still be negative.”
Professor Martin Marshall, chairman of the Royal GP College, welcomed this study. “Understanding that children can show different symptoms than adults does not mean that GPs, our team, and our professional pediatric colleagues can identify and respond appropriately to children’s viruses. To help,” he said.
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