British brace against post-pandemic surge in need of mental health services
The people are more and more suffering from the emotional tension of overcoming the pandemic. This is what the British National Health Service fears and only makes it worse.
Doctors have focused on overcoming the daily physical and economic challenges posed by the new coronavirus outbreaks over the last few months, with people following a type of trauma when the pandemic subsided. I believe you will be more shocked.
They are also afraid to postpone treatment or to surface a backlog of issues among people with existing mental health problems who were unable to gain access to treatment during the pandemic turmoil. I will.
After a 30% short-term decline in referrals from general practitioners for mental health services, the latest forecast calls for a 20% increase in demand in the long run. It will eventually go well beyond pre-pandemic levels, robbing the number of people being treated for mental health problems.
The NHS Confederation, a member of the organizations that outsource and provide NHS services, is now available to those in need in order to avoid contributing to the expected surge in demand for services in the coming months. I urged me to move forward soon.
The organization added that “intensive support and investment” is needed to address future expectations of mental health services.
Shaun Dagan, head of the coalition’s mental health network, told the BBC that when new cases of coronavirus reached their peak, they were moving away from mental health services, as they were elsewhere in the NHS. Virus.
“The problem is that if you leave a problem, it can get worse,” he said.
As a result, mental health service providers are planning to address an increasing number of people with pre-existing conditions that have deteriorated during pandemic lockdowns, and the proliferation of new patients.
New patients include those who have problems with negative reactions to isolation, uncertainty about the future, fallout due to increased use of drugs and alcohol, and documented increases in domestic violence. Expected to be included.
Mental health service providers need to operate as safely as every other part of society and expect to reduce capacity by 10-30% through measures to ensure social distance and effective infection control The challenges are further complicated by the fact that
NHS England acknowledged the burgeoning problem, saying, “Mental health needs could increase significantly.”
It aims to make it easier for people to use a service called improved access to psychotherapy, which is the main gateway for people in mild to moderate states to introduce themselves. ..
NHS England is also seeking more treatment and support for people with severe mental illness.
We are also preparing for an increase in the number of NHS workers who need mental health support as they come back from the front.
GP Online recently said in a study by the British Medical Association that more than half of UK general practitioners were experiencing work-related mental health problems due to pandemics.
Mental health support is also strengthened by charities such as Campaign Against Living Miserive, which aims to help young people struggling to live in a pandemic.
Research shows that twice as many adults in the UK are suffering from depression as it was before the pandemic, according to the Guardian
According to a study by the Office for National Statistics, 3,500 people had about 1 in 5 symptoms of depression during June, including poor sleep quality, anxiety, mood swings, and inability to make decisions. It turns out that you are experiencing.
The New Statesman says that people with poor savings, unemployed people, and people with disabilities are more likely to experience depression during the blockade.
Sophie Collett, Director of External Relations at Mental Health Charity Mind, told the magazine: “I am worried that more people will experience depression.
“As more and more people seek support for their mental health, resource-rich and timely treatment must be available to anyone who needs it.”
This month’s article in the medical journal The Lancet will make the struggle even more difficult as the outbreak falls, as the world failed to meet its mental health needs before the pandemic.
In addition, the Lancet article quoted UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutarres in May: “The mental health and well-being of society as a whole has been seriously affected by the crisis, Is a priority that should be addressed.”
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